
ISO 639-3art-001
ISO 639-3 Reference Namesart-289Northwest Alaska Inupiatun
ISO 639-3 Print Namesart-290Northwest Alaska Inupiatun
ISO 639-3 Inverted Namesart-291Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
Ethnologue Primary Language Namesart-323Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
Glottolog Languoid Namesart-326Northwest Alaska Inupiatun
Glottolog Primary Keyart-32834785
UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger IDart-3291375
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Bering Strait Inupiaq
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Diomede Inupiaq
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Eskimo
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Inupiatun
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330King Island Inupiaq
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Northwest Alaska Inupiat
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Qawiaraq
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Seward Inupiaq
Ethnologue Language Namesart-330Wales Inupiaq
Englisheng-000Northwest Alaska Inupiatun
Englisheng-000Seward Peninsula Inupiaq
françaisfra-000inupiaq de la péninsule de Seward
españolspa-000inuit de la Península Seward

