
رابطة صناعة السينما الأمريكية
българскиbul-000Американска асоциация за движещи се изображения
češtinaces-000organizace MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
danskdan-000MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
Deutschdeu-000Motion Picture Association of America
eestiekk-000Motion Picture Association of America
ελληνικάell-000Ένωση Κινηματογραφικών Εταιριών Αμερικής (MPAA)
Englisheng-000Motion Picture Association of America
suomifin-000Motion Picture Association of America
עבריתheb-000Motion Picture Association of America
Hindihin-002Motion Picture Association of America
hrvatskihrv-000Motion Picture Association of America
magyarhun-000Amerikai Mozgókép Szövetség
italianoita-000Motion Picture Association of America
한국어kor-000MPAA(미국 영화 협회)
lietuviųlit-000Amerikos kino asociacija
latviešulvs-000Amerikas Kinofilmu asociācija
Nederlandsnld-000Motion Picture Association of America
bokmålnob-000Motion Picture Association of America
polskipol-000Motion Picture Association of America
portuguêspor-000Motion Picture Association of America
românăron-000Motion Picture Association of America
русскийrus-000объединение MPAA
slovenčinaslk-000asociácia Motion Picture Association of America
slovenščinaslv-000združenje Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
españolspa-000Motion Picture Association of America
srpskisrp-001Motion Picture Association of America
svenskaswe-000MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
ภาษาไทยtha-000Motion Picture Association of America
Türkçetur-000Amerika Sinema Endüstrisi Birliği
українськаukr-000Американська кіноасоціація

