
Office of Film and Literature Classification
العربيةarb-000هيئة تصنيف الأفلام والمحاضرات
българскиbul-000Австралийска комисия за категоризиране на филми и книги
češtinaces-000úřad Office of Film and Literature Classification
danskdan-000OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification)
Deutschdeu-000OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification)
eestiekk-000Filmi ja kirjanduse klassifitseerimise amet
ελληνικάell-000Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC)
Englisheng-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
suomifin-000OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification)
עבריתheb-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
हिन्दीhin-000ऑफिस ऑफ फिल्म एंड लिटरेचर क्लासिफिकेशन
hrvatskihrv-000OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification)
magyarhun-000Film- és Irodalomosztályozó Testület
italianoita-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
日本語jpn-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
Hangungmalkor-001OFLC(Office of Film and Literature Classification)
lietuviųlit-000Filmų ir literatūros klasifikavimo biuras
latviešulvs-000Filmu un literatūras klasifikācijas pārvalde
Nederlandsnld-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
polskipol-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
portuguêspor-000Departamento de Classificação de Filmes e Literatura − Austrália
românăron-000Biroul pentru clasificarea filmelor și literaturii
русскийrus-000австралийское бюро классификации фильмов и литературы OFLC
slovenčinaslk-000(klasifikačný systém) OFLC
slovenščinaslv-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
españolspa-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
srpskisrp-001Office of Film and Literature Classification
svenskaswe-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
ภาษาไทยtha-000Office of Film and Literature Classification
Türkçetur-000Film ve Edebiyat Sınıflandırma Kurumu
українськаukr-000Австралійське управління з класифікації фільмів та літератури OFLC

