čeština | ces-000 |
Basketball Hall of Fame |
bosanski | bos-000 | Kuća slavnih košarke |
català | cat-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
普通话 | cmn-000 | 篮球名人堂 |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
English | eng-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
suomi | fin-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
français | fra-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
Srpskohrvatski | hbs-001 | Kuća slavnih košarke |
italiano | ita-000 | Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame |
日本語 | jpn-000 | バスケットボール殿堂 |
lietuvių | lit-000 | Krepšinio šlovės muziejus |
polski | pol-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |
español | spa-000 | Basketball Hall of Fame |