français | fra-000 |
Tomb Raider : l’Ange des Ténèbres |
國語 | cmn-001 | 盜墓者:黑暗天使 |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Angel of Darkness |
English | eng-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
italiano | ita-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness |
polski | pol-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
português | por-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
español | spa-000 | Lara Croft Tomb Raider: El ángel de la oscuridad |
svenska | swe-000 | Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness |