français | fra-000 | Résistance en Yougoslavie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale |
English | eng-000 | resistance error |
English | eng-000 | resistance experiment |
English | eng-000 | resistance factor |
català | cat-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
English | eng-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
suomi | fin-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
français | fra-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
italiano | ita-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
polski | pol-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
português | por-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
română | ron-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
русский | rus-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
español | spa-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
svenska | swe-000 | Resistance: Fall of Man |
English | eng-000 | resistance feedback |
English | eng-000 | resistance fighter |
English | eng-000 | resistance film |
English | eng-000 | resistance flash weld |
English | eng-000 | resistance flash welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance-flash welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance flowmeter |
English | eng-000 | resistance force |
English | eng-000 | resistance frame |
English | eng-000 | resistance from |
English | eng-000 | resistance furnace |
English | eng-000 | resistance gauge |
English | eng-000 | resistance gene |
English | eng-000 | resistance genes |
français | fra-000 | résistance génétique |
français | fra-000 | résistance globulaire |
English | eng-000 | resistance gradient |
English | eng-000 | resistance grating |
English | eng-000 | resistance grid |
English | eng-000 | resistance grounded |
English | eng-000 | resistance grounded neutral system |
English | eng-000 | resistance grounded system |
English | eng-000 | resistance grounding |
English | eng-000 | resistance head |
English | eng-000 | resistance heat |
English | eng-000 | resistance-heated furnace |
English | eng-000 | resistance-heated pot-type furnace |
English | eng-000 | resistance heater |
English | eng-000 | resistance heating |
English | eng-000 | resistance heating element |
English | eng-000 | resistance-heating muffle furnace |
English | eng-000 | resistance hybrid |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>action,equ>opposition,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>condition>thing,equ>immunity) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>electrical device) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>electrical_device>thing,equ>resistor) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>feeling>abstract_thing,aoj>person) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>force) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>group,com>conflict,agt>group,cag>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>hindrance) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>mechanical_phenomenon>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>military_action>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>opposition) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>organization) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>power) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>property,aoj>thing,cag>electricity(icl>energy>abstract_thing)) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>property,aoj>thing,cag>force(icl>abstract_thing)) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>unresponsiveness>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(icl>unwillingness>thing) |
English | eng-000 | resistance in controls |
English | eng-000 | resistance indicator |
English | eng-000 | resistance-inductance-capacitance |
français | fra-000 | résistance inductible |
français | fra-000 | résistance induite |
français | fra-000 | résistance induite aux virus |
English | eng-000 | resistance in parallel |
English | eng-000 | resistance in series |
français | fra-000 | Résistance intérieure française |
English | eng-000 | resistance in the dark |
English | eng-000 | resistance in waves |
English | eng-000 | resistance is futile |
English | eng-000 | resistance lamp |
English | eng-000 | resistance lap welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance law |
English | eng-000 | resistance lead |
English | eng-000 | resistanceless motion |
English | eng-000 | resistance level |
English | eng-000 | resistance line |
English | eng-000 | resistance link |
English | eng-000 | resistance load |
English | eng-000 | resistance-locked loop |
English | eng-000 | resistance log |
English | eng-000 | resistance loss |
English | eng-000 | resistance losses |
English | eng-000 | resistance magnetometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance manometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance marker |
English | eng-000 | resistance-matching transformer |
English | eng-000 | resistance material |
English | eng-000 | resistance materials |
français | fra-000 | résistance maximale à la traction |
English | eng-000 | resistance measurement |
English | eng-000 | resistance measurer |
English | eng-000 | resistance measuring |
français | fra-000 | résistance mécani-que |
français | fra-000 | résistance mécanique |
français | fra-000 | résistance mécanique du sol |
English | eng-000 | resistance mechanism |
English | eng-000 | resistance mechanisms |
français | fra-000 | résistance médicamenteuse |
English | eng-000 | resistance metal |
English | eng-000 | resistance meter |
English | eng-000 | resistance methanometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance minimum |
English | eng-000 | resistance modulus |
English | eng-000 | resistance monitoring |
English | eng-000 | resistance movement |
English | eng-000 | resistance-movement |
English | eng-000 | resistance multiplier |
français | fra-000 | Résistance nationale |
français | fra-000 | Résistance nationale du Mozambique |
français | fra-000 | Résistance nationale libanaise |
français | fra-000 | Résistance nationale mozambicaine |
English | eng-000 | resistance network |
English | eng-000 | resistance network analogue |
English | eng-000 | resistance noise |
français | fra-000 | résistance non induite |
français | fra-000 | résistance non-violente |
English | eng-000 | resistance of aging |
English | eng-000 | resistance of air |
English | eng-000 | resistance of blood flow |
English | eng-000 | resistance of collapse |
English | eng-000 | resistance of deformation |
English | eng-000 | resistance of ducting |
English | eng-000 | resistance of exhaust |
English | eng-000 | resistance of failure |
English | eng-000 | resistance of flow |
English | eng-000 | resistance of friction |
English | eng-000 | Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement |
English | eng-000 | resistance of landscape |
English | eng-000 | resistance of law |
English | eng-000 | resistance of materials |
English | eng-000 | resistance of medium |
English | eng-000 | resistance of motion |
English | eng-000 | resistance of oxidation |
English | eng-000 | resistance of parallel |
English | eng-000 | resistance of respiratory tract |
English | eng-000 | resistance of rivet |
English | eng-000 | resistance of rudder |
English | eng-000 | resistance of shock absorber |
English | eng-000 | resistance of soil |
English | eng-000 | resistance of sperm |
English | eng-000 | resistance of spermatozoa |
English | eng-000 | resistance of substance |
English | eng-000 | resistance pad |
English | eng-000 | resistance paper |
English | eng-000 | resistance parasitics |
français | fra-000 | résistance passive |
English | eng-000 | resistance percussion welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance percussive welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance percussive-welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance pickup |
English | eng-000 | resistance plasmid |
English | eng-000 | resistance plug |
English | eng-000 | resistance point |
English | eng-000 | resistance potentiometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance power |
English | eng-000 | resistance pressure |
English | eng-000 | resistance pressure gage |
English | eng-000 | resistance pressure welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance projection welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance-projection welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance protection |
English | eng-000 | resistance pyrometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance range |
English | eng-000 | resistance ratio |
English | eng-000 | Resistance Records |
suomi | fin-000 | Resistance Records |
English | eng-000 | resistance regulator |
English | eng-000 | resistance relay |
English | eng-000 | resistance roller-spot-welding |
English | eng-000 | resistances |
français | fra-000 | résistance sans leader |
English | eng-000 | resistance scam welding |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | resistance(scn>physics) |
English | eng-000 | resistance seam welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance-seam welding |
français | fra-000 | résistance semi-conductrice |
English | eng-000 | resistance sensor |
English | eng-000 | resistance set |
English | eng-000 | resistance-shifting valve |
English | eng-000 | resistance shunt method |
English | eng-000 | resistance silencer |
English | eng-000 | resistance sinter |
English | eng-000 | resistance sintering |
English | eng-000 | resistance soldering |
français | fra-000 | résistance spécifique |
français | fra-000 | résistance spécifique à la traction |
English | eng-000 | resistance speed curve |
English | eng-000 | resistance-speed curve |
English | eng-000 | resistance spiral |
English | eng-000 | resistance spot weld |
English | eng-000 | resistance spot welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance-spot welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance spot-welding electrode |
English | eng-000 | resistance-stabilized oscillator |
English | eng-000 | resistance stage |
English | eng-000 | resistance standard |
English | eng-000 | resistance start |
English | eng-000 | resistance starter |
English | eng-000 | resistance starting |
English | eng-000 | resistance-start motor |
English | eng-000 | resistance start split phase motor |
English | eng-000 | resistance stitch welding |
English | eng-000 | resistance stopping |
English | eng-000 | resistance strain gage |
English | eng-000 | resistance strain gauge |
English | eng-000 | resistance strip |
English | eng-000 | resistance stud welding |
français | fra-000 | résistance superficielle |
English | eng-000 | resistance switch |
English | eng-000 | resistance switchgroup |
English | eng-000 | resistance switching |
English | eng-000 | resistance tape |
English | eng-000 | resistance temperature characteristic |
English | eng-000 | resistance-temperature characteristic |
English | eng-000 | resistance temperature detector |
English | eng-000 | resistance tensor |
English | eng-000 | resistance test |
English | eng-000 | resistance tester |
English | eng-000 | resistance test of sperm |
français | fra-000 | résistance thermi-que |
français | fra-000 | résistance thermique |
English | eng-000 | resistance thermo |
English | eng-000 | resistance thermometer |
English | eng-000 | resistance thermometer bulb |
English | eng-000 | resistance thermometer scale |
English | eng-000 | resistance to |
English | eng-000 | resistance to abrasion |
English | eng-000 | resistance to acid |
English | eng-000 | resistance to acids |
English | eng-000 | resistance to ageing |
English | eng-000 | resistance to aging |
English | eng-000 | resistance to air flow |
English | eng-000 | resistance to air loss |
English | eng-000 | resistance to alkali |
English | eng-000 | resistance to alternating stress |
English | eng-000 | resistance to anthelmintics |
English | eng-000 | resistance to antibiotics |
English | eng-000 | resistance to atmospheric corrosion |
English | eng-000 | resistance to authority |
English | eng-000 | resistance to axial compression |
English | eng-000 | resistance to bend |
English | eng-000 | resistance to bending |
English | eng-000 | resistance to bending strain |
English | eng-000 | resistance to bond |
English | eng-000 | resistance to breaking |
English | eng-000 | resistance to buckling |
English | eng-000 | resistance to capsizing |
English | eng-000 | resistance to case |
English | eng-000 | resistance to change |
English | eng-000 | resistance to chemical attack |
English | eng-000 | resistance to chemical deterioration |
English | eng-000 | resistance to chemical reagents |
English | eng-000 | resistance to chemicals |
English | eng-000 | resistance to cleavage |
English | eng-000 | resistance to cold |
English | eng-000 | resistance to compression |
English | eng-000 | resistance to compressive strain |
English | eng-000 | resistance to contraction |
English | eng-000 | resistance to control |
English | eng-000 | resistance to convention |
English | eng-000 | resistance to corona |
English | eng-000 | resistance to corrosion |
English | eng-000 | resistance to corrosion test |
English | eng-000 | resistance to cracking |
English | eng-000 | resistance to crippling |
English | eng-000 | resistance to crushing |
English | eng-000 | resistance to cutting |
English | eng-000 | resistance to cutting by sharp objects |
English | eng-000 | resistance to damp |
English | eng-000 | resistance to deformation |
English | eng-000 | resistance to detonation |
English | eng-000 | resistance to disease |
English | eng-000 | resistance to displacement |
English | eng-000 | resistance to distortion |
English | eng-000 | resistance to driving |
English | eng-000 | resistance to drought |
English | eng-000 | resistance to drugs |
English | eng-000 | resistance to earth |
English | eng-000 | resistance to elements |
English | eng-000 | resistance to elevated temperatures |
English | eng-000 | resistance to emulsification |
English | eng-000 | resistance to emulsion |
English | eng-000 | resistance-to-emulsion number |
English | eng-000 | resistance to environment |
English | eng-000 | resistance to enzymes |
English | eng-000 | resistance to erosion |