English | eng-000 | slowly disappear |
English | eng-000 | slowly disintegrate |
English | eng-000 | slowly drained soil |
English | eng-000 | slowly emerging plants |
English | eng-000 | Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo |
italiano | ita-000 | Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowly(icl>how,ant>quickly,com>slow) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowly(icl>how,equ>lento) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowly(icl>how,equ>lento,com>slow) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowly(icl>how,equ>slow) |
English | eng-000 | slowly increasing |
English | eng-000 | slowly increasing function |
English | eng-000 | slowly increasing sequence |
English | eng-000 | slowly oscillating |
English | eng-000 | slowly oscillating function |
English | eng-000 | slowly rising temperature |
English | eng-000 | slowly round the corner |
English | eng-000 | slowly shut the mouth |
English | eng-000 | slowly-slowly |
English | eng-000 | slowly take something |
English | eng-000 | slowly treading |
English | eng-000 | slowly variable flow |
English | eng-000 | slowly varying amplitude |
English | eng-000 | slowly varying component |
English | eng-000 | slowly varying function |
English | eng-000 | slowly varying system |
English | eng-000 | Slowly We Rot |
italiano | ita-000 | Slowly We Rot |
русский | rus-000 | Slowly We Rot |
español | spa-000 | Slowly We Rot |
English | eng-000 | slow magnetoacoustic shock |
English | eng-000 | slow magneto-acoustic wave |
English | eng-000 | slow magnetoacoustic wave |
English | eng-000 | slow magnetosonic discontinuity |
English | eng-000 | slow magnetosonic wave |
English | eng-000 | slow march |
English | eng-000 | slow marks |
English | eng-000 | slow match |
English | eng-000 | slow-match |
English | eng-000 | slow matches |
English | eng-000 | slow match tree |
English | eng-000 | slow material |
English | eng-000 | slow maturer |
English | eng-000 | slow-maturing |
English | eng-000 | slow-maturingfinger-millet |
English | eng-000 | slow meal |
English | eng-000 | slow memory |
English | eng-000 | slow meteor |
English | eng-000 | slow milker |
English | eng-000 | slow-milker |
English | eng-000 | slow mixing |
English | eng-000 | slow mixing flame |
English | eng-000 | slow mode |
English | eng-000 | slow mode wave |
English | eng-000 | slow-mode wave |
bosanski | bos-000 | Slow Motion |
dansk | dan-000 | Slow Motion |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Slow Motion |
English | eng-000 | Slow Motion |
français | fra-000 | Slow Motion |
bokmål | nob-000 | Slow Motion |
español | spa-000 | Slow Motion |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Slowmotion |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow motion |
English | eng-000 | slow motion |
Nederlands | nld-000 | slow motion |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion |
italiano | ita-000 | slow-motion |
dansk | dan-000 | slowmotion |
svenska | swe-000 | slowmotion |
English | eng-000 | slow motion apparatur |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion apparatur |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion camera |
English | eng-000 | slow motion clamp |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion controller |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion dial |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion disk recorder |
English | eng-000 | slow motion effecf |
English | eng-000 | slow motion film |
English | eng-000 | slow motion handwheel |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion hand wheel |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion hoist |
English | eng-000 | slowmotion hoist |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion jog |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion photography |
English | eng-000 | slow motion picture |
English | eng-000 | slow motion pictures |
English | eng-000 | slow motion playback |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion playback |
English | eng-000 | slow motion pumping |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion recorder |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion replay |
English | eng-000 | slow motions |
English | eng-000 | slow motion screw |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion screw |
English | eng-000 | slow motion shooting |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion starter |
English | eng-000 | slow motion startup |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion video |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion video disk recorder |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion video-disk recorder |
English | eng-000 | slow-motion video tape recorder |
English | eng-000 | Slow Movement |
English | eng-000 | slow movement |
English | eng-000 | slow mover |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving |
English | eng-000 | slow moving animals |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving article |
English | eng-000 | slowmoving crowd |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving depression |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving goods |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow-moving(icl>adj) |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving person |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving traffic |
English | eng-000 | slow moving traffic lane |
English | eng-000 | slow-moving vehicle |
English | eng-000 | slow muon |
English | eng-000 | slow muscle |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowness |
English | eng-000 | slowness |
English | eng-000 | slowness at any kind of work |
English | eng-000 | slowness at work |
English | eng-000 | slowness component |
English | eng-000 | slowness gradient |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowness(icl>pace>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowness(icl>stupidity>thing,equ>retardation) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowness(icl>unskillfulness>thing,equ>awkwardness) |
English | eng-000 | slowness in learning |
English | eng-000 | slowness in obeying |
English | eng-000 | slowness in walking |
English | eng-000 | slowness in work |
English | eng-000 | slowness of action |
English | eng-000 | slowness of aetion |
English | eng-000 | slowness of speech |
English | eng-000 | slowness-porosity relationship |
English | eng-000 | slowness-time |
English | eng-000 | slowness-time coherence |
English | eng-000 | slowness-time domain |
English | eng-000 | slowness-time semblance signal |
English | eng-000 | slow neuron |
English | eng-000 | slow neutral atom |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron activation method |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron background |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron bombardment |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron capture |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron capture |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron capture reaction |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron chopper |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron counter |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron cross-section |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron cycle |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron detecting chamber |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron detector |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron detector |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron elastic scattering |
English | eng-000 | slow -neutron exposure chamber |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron exposure chamber |
English | eng-000 | slow -neutron filter |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron filter |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron fission |
English | eng-000 | slow -neutron flux |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron flux |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron fluxmeter |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron impulse |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron interferometer |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron leakage |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron measurement |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron nuclear reaction |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron protection |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron reaction |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron reactor |
English | eng-000 | slow neutronreactor |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron reflection |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron region |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron resonance absorption |
English | eng-000 | slow neutrons |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron scintillator |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron spectrometry |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron spectroscopy |
English | eng-000 | slow-neutron velocity spectrometer |
English | eng-000 | slow neutron yield |
polski | pol-000 | slownik |
polski | pol-000 | slownikarski |
English | eng-000 | slow nova |
English | eng-000 | slow novas |
Latynytsia | ukr-001 | slowo |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow(obj>car) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow(obj>vehicle) |
English | eng-000 | slow of action |
English | eng-000 | slow off-fast |
English | eng-000 | slow of mind |
English | eng-000 | slow of speech |
polski | pol-000 | slowo kluczowe |
English | eng-000 | slow-onset disaster |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow on the draw(icl>slow) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow on the draw(icl>slow,pur>understand) |
English | eng-000 | slow on the uptake |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slow on the uptake(icl>state) |
English | eng-000 | slow-operate fast-release relay |
English | eng-000 | slow operating |
English | eng-000 | slow-operating |
English | eng-000 | slow operating relay |
English | eng-000 | slow-operating relay |
English | eng-000 | slow operation |
English | eng-000 | slow optics |
English | eng-000 | slow order |
English | eng-000 | slow oscillation |
russkij | rus-001 | slowosotschjetanije |
English | eng-000 | slow oxidation |
English | eng-000 | slow oxidative reaction |
English | eng-000 | slow pace |
English | eng-000 | slow-paced |
English | eng-000 | slow-paced lemur |
English | eng-000 | Slow Pages |
English | eng-000 | slow pain |
English | eng-000 | slow particle |
English | eng-000 | slow payers |
English | eng-000 | slow pectin |
English | eng-000 | slow permeability |
English | eng-000 | slow permutation |
English | eng-000 | slow person |
English | eng-000 | slow phase |
English | eng-000 | slow phleboclysis |
English | eng-000 | slow phosphor |
English | eng-000 | slow photoresponse |
English | eng-000 | slow pitch |
English | eng-000 | slow-pitch thread |
English | eng-000 | slow plate |
English | eng-000 | slow poison |
English | eng-000 | Slowpoke |
English | eng-000 | slow-poke |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowpoke |
English | eng-000 | slowpoke |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | slowpoke(icl>dawdler>thing,equ>plodder) |
English | eng-000 | slowpokes |
English | eng-000 | slow Polish dance |
English | eng-000 | slow positron beam |
English | eng-000 | slow potential |
English | eng-000 | slow powder |
English | eng-000 | Slow Press |
English | eng-000 | slow process |
English | eng-000 | slow progress |
English | eng-000 | slow pulsar |
English | eng-000 | slow pulse |
English | eng-000 | slow puncture |
English | eng-000 | slow quenching |
English | eng-000 | slow rake-stirrer |
English | eng-000 | slow rate |
English | eng-000 | slow rate of wear |
English | eng-000 | slow-reacting |
English | eng-000 | slow-reacting acid |
English | eng-000 | slow reacting resin |
English | eng-000 | slow reacting substance |
English | eng-000 | slow-reacting substance |
English | eng-000 | slow reacting substance anaphylaxis |
English | eng-000 | slow-reacting weapon |
English | eng-000 | slow reaction |
English | eng-000 | slow reaction automatic cell |
English | eng-000 | slow reaction substance asthma |
English | eng-000 | slow reactive substance |
English | eng-000 | slow reactor |
English | eng-000 | slow read-out |
English | eng-000 | slow recovery system |
English | eng-000 | slow refreshing |
English | eng-000 | slow regeneration |
English | eng-000 | slow relaxation |
English | eng-000 | slow relay |
English | eng-000 | slow release |
English | eng-000 | slow-release |
English | eng-000 | slow-release action |
English | eng-000 | slow-released part |
English | eng-000 | slow-release fertilizer |
English | eng-000 | slow release fertilizers |
English | eng-000 | slow release formulation |
English | eng-000 | slow release method |
English | eng-000 | slow-release neutral relay |
English | eng-000 | slow release pesticides |
English | eng-000 | slow release preparation |
English | eng-000 | slow release rate |
English | eng-000 | slow release relay |
English | eng-000 | slow-release relay |
English | eng-000 | slow release technique |
English | eng-000 | slow releasing relay |
English | eng-000 | slow-releasing relay |
English | eng-000 | slow relief relay |
English | eng-000 | slow rendezvous method |
English | eng-000 | slow rendezvous mission |
English | eng-000 | slow resist |
English | eng-000 | slow respiration |
English | eng-000 | slow-responding relay |
English | eng-000 | slow response |
English | eng-000 | slow-response |
English | eng-000 | slow response action potential |
English | eng-000 | slow retardation axis |