English | eng-000 | smoothing spline |
English | eng-000 | smoothing stone |
English | eng-000 | smoothing submanifold |
English | eng-000 | smoothing surface |
English | eng-000 | smoothing technique |
English | eng-000 | smoothing techniques |
English | eng-000 | smoothing term |
English | eng-000 | smoothing the data |
English | eng-000 | smoothing the market |
English | eng-000 | smoothing the markets |
English | eng-000 | smoothing time-series data |
English | eng-000 | smoothing tool |
English | eng-000 | smoothing trowel |
English | eng-000 | smoothing vector |
English | eng-000 | smoothing wheel |
English | eng-000 | smoothing with float |
English | eng-000 | smoothing with trowel |
English | eng-000 | smooth integral |
English | eng-000 | smooth interface |
English | eng-000 | smooth interpolation |
English | eng-000 | smooth invariant |
English | eng-000 | smooth involution |
English | eng-000 | smooth-iron |
English | eng-000 | smooth irregularity |
English | eng-000 | smoothish hawkweed |
English | eng-000 | smoothish yellow violet |
English | eng-000 | smooth isotopy |
English | eng-000 | smooth-jawed vise |
English | eng-000 | smooth jewelflower |
English | eng-000 | smooth johnnyberry |
English | eng-000 | smooth joining |
English | eng-000 | smooth joyweed |
English | eng-000 | smooth juneberry |
English | eng-000 | smooth knitting fabric |
suomi | fin-000 | smooth-kulttuuri |
English | eng-000 | smooth lady’s mantle |
English | eng-000 | smooth laminer flow |
English | eng-000 | smooth landing |
English | eng-000 | smooth lanternshark |
English | eng-000 | smooth larkspur |
English | eng-000 | smooth lattice |
English | eng-000 | smoothleaf beardtongue |
English | eng-000 | smooth leafed elm |
English | eng-000 | smoothleaf elm |
CycL | art-285 | SmoothLeather |
English | eng-000 | smooth-leaved |
English | eng-000 | smooth-leaved crowfoot |
English | eng-000 | smooth-leaved elm |
English | eng-000 | smooth leechbush |
English | eng-000 | smooth lepiota |
English | eng-000 | smooth level |
English | eng-000 | smooth limit |
English | eng-000 | SmoothLine |
English | eng-000 | smooth line |
English | eng-000 | smooth linearization |
English | eng-000 | smooth lining |
English | eng-000 | smooth lip fern |
suomi | fin-000 | smooth lip fern |
English | eng-000 | smooth-lipped blenny |
English | eng-000 | smooth log |
English | eng-000 | smooth log book |
English | eng-000 | smooth logbook |
English | eng-000 | smooth-lumpsucker |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothly |
English | eng-000 | smoothly |
English | eng-000 | smoothly bounded region |
English | eng-000 | smoothly done |
English | eng-000 | smoothly extendable |
English | eng-000 | smoothly fluidized bed |
English | eng-000 | smoothly homotopic |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothly(icl>how,com>smooth) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothly(icl>how,equ>swimmingly) |
English | eng-000 | smoothly inhomogeneous medium |
English | eng-000 | smoothly isotopic |
English | eng-000 | smoothly varying function |
English | eng-000 | smooth machine finish |
English | eng-000 | smooth machining |
English | eng-000 | smooth manifold |
English | eng-000 | smooth manjack |
English | eng-000 | smooth map |
English | eng-000 | smooth mating |
English | eng-000 | Smooth Meadow-grass |
English | eng-000 | smooth measure |
English | eng-000 | smooth melanelia lichen |
English | eng-000 | smooth mesquite |
English | eng-000 | smooth morphism |
English | eng-000 | smooth motion |
English | eng-000 | smooth-mouthed |
CycL | art-285 | SmoothMuscle |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle antibody |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle cell |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle fibers |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle fibril |
English | eng-000 | smooth muscle layer |
English | eng-000 | smooth musculus |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness |
English | eng-000 | smoothness |
English | eng-000 | smoothness assumption |
English | eng-000 | smoothness check |
English | eng-000 | smoothness condition |
English | eng-000 | smoothness constraint |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness(icl>effortlessness>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness(icl>evenness>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness(icl>expressive_style>thing,equ>eloquence) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness(icl>graciousness>thing,equ>suavity) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smoothness(icl>texture>thing,ant>roughness) |
English | eng-000 | smoothness of body |
English | eng-000 | smoothness of lines |
English | eng-000 | smoothness of motion |
English | eng-000 | smoothness of operation |
English | eng-000 | smoothness properties |
English | eng-000 | smoothness tester |
English | eng-000 | smooth newt |
English | eng-000 | smooth northern-rockcress |
English | eng-000 | smooth-nosed searobin |
English | eng-000 | smooth nozzle |
English | eng-000 | smooth number |
English | eng-000 | smooth nut clam |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>anger) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>cloth) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>difficulty) |
English | eng-000 | smooth object |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>feather) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>hair) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth(obj>wrinkle) |
English | eng-000 | smooth obstacle |
English | eng-000 | smooth off |
English | eng-000 | smoothometer |
English | eng-000 | smooth on |
English | eng-000 | smooth on all parts |
English | eng-000 | smooth one’s hair |
English | eng-000 | smooth operation |
English | eng-000 | smooth operator |
English | eng-000 | smooth optical fiber |
English | eng-000 | smooth optical surface |
English | eng-000 | smooth ordering |
English | eng-000 | smooth oreo |
English | eng-000 | smooth oriental photinia |
English | eng-000 | smooth out |
English | eng-000 | smooth-out |
English | eng-000 | smooth outflow |
English | eng-000 | smoothoutflow |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth_out(icl>make_flat>do,agt>thing,obj>thing,ins>thing) |
English | eng-000 | smooth over |
English | eng-000 | smooth over/away |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth over(icl>do) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth_over(icl>treat>null,equ>gloss_over,obj>thing,met>thing) |
English | eng-000 | smooth overlap |
English | eng-000 | smooth oxeye |
English | eng-000 | smooth panel container |
English | eng-000 | smooth parametrization |
English | eng-000 | smooth parasol |
English | eng-000 | smooth pargeting |
English | eng-000 | smooth passage |
English | eng-000 | smooth passing |
English | eng-000 | smooth path |
English | eng-000 | smooth peeling |
English | eng-000 | smooth penstemon |
English | eng-000 | smooth performance |
English | eng-000 | smooth Peruvian |
English | eng-000 | smooth phacelia |
English | eng-000 | smooth phlox |
English | eng-000 | smooth pigweed |
English | eng-000 | smooth pipe |
English | eng-000 | smooth pipe expansion joint |
English | eng-000 | smooth pipefish |
English | eng-000 | smoothpit peach |
English | eng-000 | smooth plain packing |
English | eng-000 | smooth plane |
English | eng-000 | smooth planer finish |
English | eng-000 | smooth planing |
English | eng-000 | smooth planing machine |
English | eng-000 | smooth planking |
English | eng-000 | smooth plate |
English | eng-000 | smooth plunger |
English | eng-000 | smoothpod hoarypea |
English | eng-000 | Smooth Point |
English | eng-000 | smooth point |
English | eng-000 | smooth poles |
English | eng-000 | smooth potato fern |
English | eng-000 | smooth prickly phlox |
English | eng-000 | smooth pricklypoppy |
English | eng-000 | smooth production flow |
English | eng-000 | smooth production flows |
English | eng-000 | smooth profile |
English | eng-000 | smooth projection |
English | eng-000 | smooth purple coneflower |
English | eng-000 | smooth pursuit movement |
English | eng-000 | smooth ramshorn |
English | eng-000 | smooth rattlebox |
English | eng-000 | smooth reaction |
English | eng-000 | smooth realization |
English | eng-000 | smooth reduction |
English | eng-000 | smooth reed mat |
English | eng-000 | smooth regression analysis |
English | eng-000 | smooth regulation |
English | eng-000 | smooth relief |
English | eng-000 | smooth retardation |
English | eng-000 | smooth retract |
English | eng-000 | smooth-ride |
English | eng-000 | smooth riding surface |
English | eng-000 | smooth-riding surface |
English | eng-000 | smooth rockcress |
English | eng-000 | Smooth Rock Falls |
polski | pol-000 | Smooth Rock Falls |
English | eng-000 | smooth rock skullcap |
English | eng-000 | smooth rock spleenwort |
English | eng-000 | smooth rodwood |
English | eng-000 | smooth roll |
English | eng-000 | smooth roll crusher |
English | eng-000 | smooth roller |
English | eng-000 | smooth rolling |
English | eng-000 | smooth rolling apparatus |
English | eng-000 | smooth rolls |
English | eng-000 | smooth rose |
English | eng-000 | smooth rotor |
English | eng-000 | smooth round file |
English | eng-000 | smooth running |
English | eng-000 | smooth-running |
English | eng-000 | smooth-running bicycle |
English | eng-000 | smooth running characteristic |
English | eng-000 | smooth-running spindle |
English | eng-000 | smooth run-off |
English | eng-000 | Smooth Rupturewort |
English | eng-000 | smooth rupturewort |
English | eng-000 | smooth rush |
English | eng-000 | smooths |
English | eng-000 | smooth sailing |
English | eng-000 | smooth-sailing |
English | eng-000 | smooth saltbush |
English | eng-000 | smooth sawgrass |
English | eng-000 | smooth-scaled agama |
English | eng-000 | Smooth Screen |
English | eng-000 | smooth scroll |
English | eng-000 | smooth scrolling |
English | eng-000 | smooth sea |
English | eng-000 | smooth sea feather |
English | eng-000 | smooth seal face |
English | eng-000 | smooth section |
English | eng-000 | smooth-section sickle |
English | eng-000 | smooth-seeded |
English | eng-000 | smoothseed pygmyweed |
English | eng-000 | smooth senna |
English | eng-000 | smooth sequence |
English | eng-000 | smooth serviceberry |
English | eng-000 | smooth setting |
English | eng-000 | smooth sewing needle |
English | eng-000 | Smooth shading |
English | eng-000 | smooth shading |
русский | rus-000 | smooth shading |
English | eng-000 | smooth shadow witch |
English | eng-000 | smooth shaft |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth-shaven |
English | eng-000 | smooth-shaven |
English | eng-000 | smoothsheath sedge |
English | eng-000 | smooth sheet |
English | eng-000 | smooth shelf |
English | eng-000 | smooth-shelled |
English | eng-000 | smooth shell shrimp |
English | eng-000 | smooth shifting |
English | eng-000 | smooth shoe |
English | eng-000 | smooth side |
English | eng-000 | smooth simplex |
English | eng-000 | smooth skate |
English | eng-000 | smooth skates |
English | eng-000 | smooth skin |
English | eng-000 | smooth-skined |
English | eng-000 | smooth-skinned |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth-skinned(icl>adj) |
English | eng-000 | smooth-skinned peach |
English | eng-000 | smoothskin octopus |
English | eng-000 | smoothskin skate |
English | eng-000 | smooth sliding |
English | eng-000 | smooth slippery plain |
English | eng-000 | smooth small-leaf ticktrefoil |
English | eng-000 | smooth snake |
English | eng-000 | smooth softshell |
English | eng-000 | smooth soft-shelled turtle |
English | eng-000 | smooth solomon’s seal |
English | eng-000 | smooth solution |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth <somebodyʼs> path(icl>idiom) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth <somebodyʼs> ruffled feathers(icl>calm) |
English | eng-000 | smooth somebody’s rumpled feathers |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth <somebodyʼs> way(icl>idiom) |
English | eng-000 | smooth space |
English | eng-000 | smooth-speaking |
English | eng-000 | smooth spear grass |
English | eng-000 | smooth specialization |
English | eng-000 | smooth specular surface |
English | eng-000 | smooth sphere diffraction |
English | eng-000 | smooth-spiked |
English | eng-000 | smooth spike-primrose |
English | eng-000 | smooth spoken |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | smooth-spoken |
English | eng-000 | smooth-spoken |
English | eng-000 | smoothspoken |