Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern dialect of Western Tamang |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Dinka |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Dinka |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Dinka |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Dinka |
English | eng-000 | south-western direction |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Ede |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Edoid |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Edo Okpe |
English | eng-000 | southwesterner |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Exposition, Livestock Show and Rodeo |
English | eng-000 | southwestern false cloak fern |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Fars |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Fars |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Fars |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Fars |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Finnish |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Finnish |
English | eng-000 | South Western Football League |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Western Football League |
svenska | swe-000 | South Western Football League |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Gelao |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Gelao |
English | eng-000 | southwestern gilia |
English | eng-000 | southwestern groundcherry |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Guiyang Hmong |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Guiyang Hmong |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Guiyang Hmong |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Guiyang Hmong |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Guiyang Hmong |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Hokkaidô |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Huishui Hmong |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Huishui Hmong |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Huishui Hmong |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Huishui Hmong |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Huishui Hmong |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Huishui Miao |
English | eng-000 | South-Western Iceland |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south-western(icl>adj,icl>direction,icl>place) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Southwestern(icl>dialect) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south-western(icl>state) |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Iranian |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Jewish Neo-Aramaic |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Kambari |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Kazakh |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Kra |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Kroumen |
English | eng-000 | southwestern lip fern |
suomi | fin-000 | southwestern lip fern |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Logudorese |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Logudorese |
English | eng-000 | southwesternly |
English | eng-000 | South Western Main Line |
español | spa-000 | South Western Main Line |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Mandarin |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Mandarin |
English | eng-000 | southwestern mock vervain |
English | eng-000 | southwestern muhly |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Myotis |
English | eng-000 | southwestern myotis |
English | eng-000 | southwestern needlegrass |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Nisu |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Nisu |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Nisu |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Nisu |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Nyunga |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Ojibwa |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Oregon Community College |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Otomi |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Pashto |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Pashto |
English | eng-000 | southwestern persicaria |
English | eng-000 | southwestern phacelia |
English | eng-000 | southwestern pine beetle |
English | eng-000 | southwestern pleatleaf |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Pomo |
English | eng-000 | southwestern pricklypoppy |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Puebla Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Pygmy Possum |
English | eng-000 | southwestern rabbitbrush |
English | eng-000 | southwestern rat snake |
English | eng-000 | southwestern ringstem |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Saami |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Shifted Romance |
English | eng-000 | southwestern showy sedge |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South-Western Slavic |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Somalia |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tai |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tai P |
ISO 639-3 Retired Reference Names | art-325 | Southwestern Tamang |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tamang |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Tamang |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Tarahumara |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Tarahumara |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tarahumara |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Tarahumara |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tarangan |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Tarangan |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Tasmanian |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Tasmanian |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Tepehuan |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Tepehuan |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tepehuan |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Tepehuan |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South-Western Tibetic |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwestern Tlaxiaco Mixtec |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwestern Tlaxiaco Mixtec |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Tlaxiaco Mixtec |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Tlaxiaco Mixtec |
English | eng-000 | southwestern toad |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South-Western Tunisian |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | South-Western Tunisian |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Udmurt |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern United States |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestern United States |
English | eng-000 | southwestern United States |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern University |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Southwestern University of Finance and Economics |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern University of Finance and Economics |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South-western Warlpiri |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern Water Vole |
English | eng-000 | Southwestern water vole |
English | eng-000 | southwestern water vole |
English | eng-000 | southwestern water-vole |
English | eng-000 | southwestern waterwort |
English | eng-000 | southwestern white pine |
English | eng-000 | southwestern white pine dwarf mistletoe |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwestern Yiddish |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwestern Yiddish |
English | eng-000 | South-West European Nase |
English | eng-000 | south-west European nase |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Federal Center |
bokmål | nob-000 | Southwest Federal Center |
English | eng-000 | southwest fescue |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Finland |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Finland Swedish |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Finland Swedish |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Southwest Florida International Airport |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Florida International Airport |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwest Florida International Airport |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwest Gbaya |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwest Gbaya |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Gbaya |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Gbaya |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Georgia Regional Airport |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwest Georgia Regional Airport |
English | eng-000 | Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Germany |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Goiás Microregion |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Grassfields |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South West Greater Barito |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Greensburg |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Southwest Greensburg |
português | por-000 | Southwest Greensburg |
Volapük | vol-000 | Southwest Greensburg |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Harbor |
Volapük | vol-000 | Southwest Harbor |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south-west(icl>how,equ>southwest) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwest(icl>place) |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Islands |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Jiaotong University |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Kaingang |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Kaingang |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Kete |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Lamaholot |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Mande |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Michigan Regional Airport |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwest Michigan Regional Airport |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Minnesota Regional Airport |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwest Minnesota Regional Airport |
English | eng-000 | south-west monsoon |
English | eng-000 | southwest monsoon |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Monsoon Currents |
English | eng-000 | Southwest National Park |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest New Britain |
English | eng-000 | South West of England Regional Development Agency |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Oregon Regional Airport |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwest Oregon Regional Airport |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Pacific |
English | eng-000 | southwest pacific |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Pacific Area |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwest Palawano |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwest Palawano |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Palawano |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Palawano |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Pama |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | South-West Pama-Nyungan |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwest Pashai |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwest Pashai |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwest Pashayi |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Pashayi |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Pashayi |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Pashayi |
English | eng-000 | South West Peninsula League |
svenska | swe-000 | South West Peninsula League |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST POINTING BUD |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST POINTING LEAF |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST POINTING VINE LEAF |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Radio & TV |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Ranches |
Volapük | vol-000 | Southwest Ranches |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Research Institute |
English | eng-000 | South West Rocks |
français | fra-000 | South West Rocks |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Sabahan |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST SANS-SERIF ARROW |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Senari |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Senari |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest South Bauchi |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Surmic |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Southwest Tanna |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Southwest Tanna |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Tanna |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna Enfitana |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna Ikiti |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna Ikiyau |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna Imreang |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Tanna Lapwangtoai |
English | eng-000 | Southwest Territory |
Deutsch | deu-000 | South West Trains |
English | eng-000 | South West Trains |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South West Trains |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW TO BAR |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Tulu |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Southwest Ukrainian |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Southwest Ukrainian |
English | eng-000 | Southwest University |
English | eng-000 | Southwest University for Nationalities |
English | eng-000 | southwestwar |
English | eng-000 | south-westward |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestward |
English | eng-000 | southwestward |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestward(icl>adj) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestward(icl>compass_point>thing,equ>southwest) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestward(icl>how,com>southwestward) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south-westward(icl>manner) |
English | eng-000 | south-westwardly |
English | eng-000 | southwestwardly |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | southwestwards |
English | eng-000 | southwestwards |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south-westwards(icl>manner) |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | SOUTH WEST WHITE ARROW |
American English | eng-004 | SOUTH WEST WHITE ARROW |
CycL | art-285 | SouthWestWind |
English | eng-000 | south west wind |
English | eng-000 | south-west wind |
English | eng-000 | southwest wind |
English | eng-000 | South Whitley |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Whitley |
português | por-000 | South Whitley |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Whitley |
Deutsch | deu-000 | South Whittier |
English | eng-000 | South Whittier |
français | fra-000 | South Whittier |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Whittier |
português | por-000 | South Whittier |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Whittier |
English | eng-000 | Southwick |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Southwick |
svenska | swe-000 | Southwick |
Volapük | vol-000 | Southwick |
English | eng-000 | South Willard |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Willard |
português | por-000 | South Willard |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Willard |
English | eng-000 | South Williamson |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Williamson |
English | eng-000 | South Williamsport |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Williamsport |
português | por-000 | South Williamsport |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Williamsport |
English | eng-000 | South Wilmington |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Wilmington |
português | por-000 | South Wilmington |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Wilmington |
English | eng-000 | South Wimbledon |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Wimbledon |
CycL | art-285 | SouthWind |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | south wind |
English | eng-000 | south wind |
English | eng-000 | southwind |
Deutsch | deu-000 | South Windham |
English | eng-000 | South Windham |
français | fra-000 | South Windham |
italiano | ita-000 | South Windham |
Nederlands | nld-000 | South Windham |
português | por-000 | South Windham |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Windham |
English | eng-000 | South Windsor |
français | fra-000 | South Windsor |
svenska | swe-000 | South Windsor |
Volapük | vol-000 | South Windsor |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Southwold |
English | eng-000 | Southwold |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Southwold |
polski | pol-000 | Southwold |