italiano | ita-000 | tocofobia |
English | eng-000 | tocogram detector |
English | eng-000 | tocograph |
English | eng-000 | tocography |
Trinitario | trn-000 | ʼtočohi |
Bora | boa-000 | tocóhtóco |
onicoin | mcd-000 | tocoi |
English | eng-000 | to coil |
English | eng-000 | to coil a rope |
English | eng-000 | to coin |
onicoin | mcd-000 | tocoin |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | to coin a phrase(icl>do) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | to coin a phrase(icl>search) |
English | eng-000 | to coin a term |
English | eng-000 | tocokinin |
Aka-Jeru | akj-000 | tocol |
English | eng-000 | tocol |
castellano costarricense | spa-003 | tocola |
English | eng-000 | to cold draw |
català | cat-000 | tocòleg |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | tocolhuan |
English | eng-000 | to collect revenue |
English | eng-000 | to collide with |
español | spa-000 | tocóloga |
català | cat-000 | tocologia |
italiano | ita-000 | tocologia |
português | por-000 | tocologia |
español | spa-000 | tocología |
português | por-000 | tocológico |
español | spa-000 | tocológico |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | tocologo |
español | spa-000 | tocólogo |
asturianu | ast-000 | tocólogu |
English | eng-000 | tocology |
English | eng-000 | to colour in |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | tocoloxía |
asturianu | ast-000 | tocoloxía |
asturianu | ast-000 | tocolóxicu |
English | eng-000 | tocolysis |
English | eng-000 | tocolytic |
English | eng-000 | tocomania |
English | eng-000 | to combat |
English | eng-000 | to combat money laundering |
English | eng-000 | to combat organised crime |
English | eng-000 | to come |
English | eng-000 | to-come |
English | eng-000 | to come about |
English | eng-000 | to come abreast |
English | eng-000 | to come a buster |
English | eng-000 | to come a cropper |
English | eng-000 | to come alongside |
English | eng-000 | to-come-along-with picking |
English | eng-000 | to-come-along-with uprooting |
English | eng-000 | to come around |
English | eng-000 | to-come-here tracing |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | to come(icl>in the future) |
English | eng-000 | to come in |
English | eng-000 | to come in heat |
English | eng-000 | to come into collision |
English | eng-000 | to come into effect |
English | eng-000 | to come into force |
English | eng-000 | to-come lining up |
English | eng-000 | to-come-loose pushing |
English | eng-000 | to come off |
English | eng-000 | to come off-line |
English | eng-000 | to come online |
English | eng-000 | to come pouring out |
English | eng-000 | tocometer |
English | eng-000 | to come to blows |
English | eng-000 | to come to the point |
English | eng-000 | to come up |
English | eng-000 | to come up smiling |
English | eng-000 | to commence preliminary negotiations |
English | eng-000 | to commence proceedings |
English | eng-000 | to commence suit |
English | eng-000 | to commission |
English | eng-000 | to commit a contributory infringement of a patent |
English | eng-000 | to commit an iniquity |
English | eng-000 | to commit cheats |
English | eng-000 | to commit fornication |
English | eng-000 | to commit perjury |
English | eng-000 | to commit to writing |
español | spa-000 | tocomocho |
español de España | spa-013 | tocomocho |
English | eng-000 | to compare |
English | eng-000 | to compete |
English | eng-000 | to compile in code |
castellano chileno | spa-008 | tocomple |
English | eng-000 | to complete |
English | eng-000 | to complete a certificate |
English | eng-000 | to complete a form |
English | eng-000 | to complete a procedure |
English | eng-000 | to complete the disclosure |
English | eng-000 | to complete the square |
English | eng-000 | to comply with standards |
English | eng-000 | to-compress lining up |
English | eng-000 | to compromise an action |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | to con |
asturianu | ast-000 | tocón |
español | spa-000 | tocón |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconana |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconanaz |
occitan | oci-000 | toconar |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconcaquiz |
English | eng-000 | to concern |
English | eng-000 | to conclude a contract |
English | eng-000 | to conclude a convention |
English | eng-000 | to conclude an agreement |
English | eng-000 | to conclude an arrangement |
English | eng-000 | to conclude an instrument |
English | eng-000 | to conclude a protocol |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconcuaz |
español | spa-000 | tocón de caducifolio |
English | eng-000 | to conduce to |
English | eng-000 | to conduct a case |
English | eng-000 | to confer a right of |
English | eng-000 | to confer origin |
English | eng-000 | to confer originating status |
English | eng-000 | to confer protection |
English | eng-000 | to confine an application to ... |
English | eng-000 | to confine the scope of the invention |
English | eng-000 | to confine the scope of use |
English | eng-000 | to confirm evidence |
English | eng-000 | to confirmevidence |
English | eng-000 | to confirm the exact place |
English | eng-000 | to conflict with a claim |
dižəʼəxon | zav-000 | to con gan |
dižəʼəxon | zav-000 | to con ganzə |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tổ công đoàn |
Krongo | kgo-000 | t-òːcóːní |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconitozque |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconittazque |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconmati |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconmonextiliz |
English | eng-000 | to connect |
English | eng-000 | to connect in parallel |
English | eng-000 | to connect in series |
English | eng-000 | to connect to regional networks |
English | eng-000 | to connect to the regional networks |
español | spa-000 | tocón negro |
English | eng-000 | to connext |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconnextizque |
Yaaku | muu-000 | točono |
English | eng-000 | T. O’Conor Sloane |
français | fra-000 | T. O’Conor Sloane |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | toconqueloz |
Amahuaca | amc-000 | tóconquín |
English | eng-000 | to consider an application |
English | eng-000 | to consider unlikely |
English | eng-000 | to consign for exhibition |
English | eng-000 | to constitute a bar as to novelty |
English | eng-000 | to constitute a key factor |
English | eng-000 | to constitute a means |
English | eng-000 | to constitute a precedent |
English | eng-000 | to constitute one single consignment |
English | eng-000 | to construct |
English | eng-000 | to construe broadly |
English | eng-000 | to construe provisions |
English | eng-000 | to construe restrictively |
English | eng-000 | to consult an expert |
English | eng-000 | To contact us |
English | eng-000 | to contaminate |
English | eng-000 | to contest a claim |
English | eng-000 | to contest a patent right |
English | eng-000 | to continue |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | tocontlalia |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | tocontlazaz |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | tocontocaz |
română | ron-000 | tocontra |
English | eng-000 | to contrast a prior patent with a later-dated one |
English | eng-000 | to contravene instruction |
English | eng-000 | to contribute financially to |
English | eng-000 | to contrive a novel device |
English | eng-000 | to control effectively |
English | eng-000 | to control oneself |
English | eng-000 | to convene |
English | eng-000 | to converge |
English | eng-000 | To Convert |
English | eng-000 | to convert into a Dissenter |
English | eng-000 | to convey |
English | eng-000 | to convey the ownership of a patent |
English | eng-000 | to cook |
English | eng-000 | to-cook lining up |
Hinonoʼeitiit | arp-000 | toco'on- |
Hinonoʼeitiit | arp-000 | toco'oniihi' |
Hinonoʼeitiit | arp-000 | toco'onííhi' |
English | eng-000 | to coordinate positions |
Sosoniʼ | shh-000 | to coot sey |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Tocopherol |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | tocopherol |
English | eng-000 | tocopherol |
italiano | ita-000 | tocopherol |
français | fra-000 | tocophérol |
italiano | ita-000 | tocopherolquinone |
español | spa-000 | tocopherolquinone |
English | eng-000 | tocopherols |
English | eng-000 | tocopherylquinone |
English | eng-000 | tocophobia |
italiano | ita-000 | tocophobia |
français | fra-000 | tocophobie |
latine | lat-000 | tocophrya |
latine | lat-000 | tocophrya cyclopum |
latine | lat-000 | tocophrya infusionum |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Tocopilla |
English | eng-000 | Tocopilla |
français | fra-000 | Tocopilla |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Tocopilla |
bokmål | nob-000 | Tocopilla |
polski | pol-000 | Tocopilla |
português | por-000 | Tocopilla |
español | spa-000 | Tocopilla |
svenska | swe-000 | Tocopilla |
English | eng-000 | Tocopilla Province |
English | eng-000 | to cop it |
English | eng-000 | to copy |
castellano venezolano | spa-025 | tocoquera |
italiano | ita-000 | tocoquinone |
español | spa-000 | tocoquinone |
dansk | dan-000 | to corner |
onicoin | mcd-000 | tocoro |
onicoin | mcd-000 | tocoroshpi |
English | eng-000 | Tocorpuri |
Runa Simi | que-000 | Tocorpuri |
castellano paraguayo | spa-019 | tocorre |
English | eng-000 | to correct: to rectify |
English | eng-000 | to corroborate an assertion |
English | eng-000 | Tocos do Moji |
bokmål | nob-000 | Tocos do Moji |
português | por-000 | Tocos do Moji |
română | ron-000 | Tocos do Moji |
Volapük | vol-000 | Tocos do Moji |
Malecite-Passamaquoddy | pqm-000 | ʼt-ocossal |
Malecite-Passamaquoddy | pqm-000 | ʼt-ocossomon |
provençau, nòrma mistralenca | oci-002 | toco-toco |
español | spa-000 | tocotoco |
Bora | boa-000 | tocótóco |
onicoin | mcd-000 | tocotoco aqui |
English | eng-000 | Toco Toucan |
English | eng-000 | toco toucan |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Tocotrienol |
italiano | ita-000 | tocotrienol |
português | por-000 | tocotrienol |
español | spa-000 | tocotrienol |
français | fra-000 | tocotriénol |
español | spa-000 | tocotrienoles |
italiano | ita-000 | tocotrienoli |
italiano | ita-000 | tocotrienolquinone |
español | spa-000 | tocotrienolquinone |
English | eng-000 | tocotrienols |
asturianu | ast-000 | Tocotronic |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Tocotronic |
English | eng-000 | Tocotronic |
français | fra-000 | Tocotronic |
Zeneize | lij-002 | tocòu |
English | eng-000 | to count |
English | eng-000 | to counter a thing |
English | eng-000 | to course |
English | eng-000 | to court |
English | eng-000 | to cover |
English | eng-000 | to cover a device by a patent |
English | eng-000 | to cover financial assistance |
English | eng-000 | to cover financial assistance by |
English | eng-000 | to cover subject matter |
slovenčina | slk-000 | točovka |
Gabrielino | ser-002 | tocoxot |
Nāhuatlahtōlli | nci-000 | tocoya |
Cavineña | cav-000 | toc̷o-ya |
English | eng-000 | TOCP |
română | ron-000 | toc pentru ochelari |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tộc phả |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tóc phi-dê |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tóc quăn |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tóc quăn ngang trán |
binisayang Sinugboanon | ceb-000 | Tocqueville |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Tocqueville |
English | eng-000 | Tocqueville |
suomi | fin-000 | Tocqueville |
français | fra-000 | Tocqueville |
bahasa Indonesia | ind-000 | Tocqueville |
italiano | ita-000 | Tocqueville |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Tocqueville |
polski | pol-000 | Tocqueville |
Volapük | vol-000 | Tocqueville |
Bahasa Malaysia | zsm-000 | Tocqueville |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | tocqueville(iof>writer>thing) |
English | eng-000 | Tocquevillian |
italiano | ita-000 | tocquevilliano |
français | fra-000 | tocquevillien |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | tóc râm |
English | eng-000 | to create a neologism for a new technical object |
English | eng-000 | to create a new climate |
English | eng-000 | to create conditions |
English | eng-000 | to create subcommittees |
English | eng-000 | to credit an account |
British English | eng-005 | (to) criticise |