English | eng-000 | WTC |
suomi | fin-000 | WTC |
galego | glg-000 | WTC |
slovenščina | slv-000 | WTC |
English | eng-000 | Wtc |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtc |
Catawba | chc-000 | w>_tcatcmahid-de` |
bălgarski ezik | bul-001 | WTCC |
čeština | ces-000 | WTCC |
suomi | fin-000 | WTCC |
svenska | swe-000 | WTCC |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | WTC(equ>World Trade Center) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | wtc(iof>skyscraper>thing,equ>world_trade_center) |
English | eng-000 | W. T. Cosgrave |
Nederlands | nld-000 | W.T. Cosgrave |
bokmål | nob-000 | W.T. Cosgrave |
español | spa-000 | W.T. Cosgrave |
Vlaams | vls-000 | WTC-toorns |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTC-Watertec-Encrypted-Database-Watertite-Limited |
English | eng-000 | WTD |
Gĩkũyũ | kik-000 | WTD |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtd |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTD-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV-Textures-File |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTD-Warrior-Tool-Diagram-Sondex |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTD-WinTune-Document |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTD-Wintune-document-file |
Catawba | chc-000 | w-te |
Selknam | ona-000 | w-tˀe |
Cha7³¹ tinyan³ | ctz-000 | wtẽ |
polski | pol-000 | wtedy |
polski | pol-000 | wtedy i tylko wtedy |
polski | pol-000 | wtedy i tylko wtedy gdy |
polski | pol-000 | w tę i we w tę |
polski | pol-000 | w tej chwili |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtek |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wték |
Bodéwadmimwen | pot-000 | wtekwen |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtel |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtél |
polski | pol-000 | wtem |
polski | pol-000 | wtenczas |
polski | pol-000 | w ten czwartek |
polski | pol-000 | w tę niedzielę |
polski | pol-000 | w ten piątek |
polski | pol-000 | w ten poniedziałek |
polski | pol-000 | w ten sposób |
polski | pol-000 | w ten wtorek |
English | eng-000 | wter powered generator |
polski | pol-000 | wterynarz |
polski | pol-000 | w tę sobotę |
polski | pol-000 | w tę środę |
English | eng-000 | WTF |
íslenska | isl-000 | WTF |
polski | pol-000 | WTF |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wtf |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtf |
español estadounidense | spa-024 | wtf |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wtf-000 |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtfc |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTFC-PCCharge-File-VeriFone |
SPDX License List Identifier | art-298 | WTFPL |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTF-Weird-wally-screen-saver-editor-file |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTF-World-of-Warcraft-Data-File-World-of-Warcraft |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTF-World-of-Warcraft-Text-File |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTF-World-of-Warcraft-WoW-Text-File-Blizzard-Entertainment |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtg |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTG-WAsP-Data-File-Ris-National-Laboratory |
English | eng-000 | WTH |
Kĩkamba | kam-000 | Wth |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wth |
español estadounidense | spa-024 | wth |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wth-000 |
English | eng-000 | wthe Galaxy |
Twampa | udu-000 | ẁtʰí-m-pa |
English | eng-000 | wthout resources |
English | eng-000 | wt.h.p |
English | eng-000 | WTI |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wti |
Hya | hya-000 | wti |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wti-000 |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wti-001 |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wti-002 |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wti-003 |
Yoombe | vif-002 | ʷtiilə |
Yoombe | vif-002 | ʷtiitsi |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tiʼ mok |
English | eng-000 | WT-IND |
Gününa Küne | pue-000 | -wtiṣki |
English | eng-000 | wtitten censure |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tiʼ tunh |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tiʼtz@k |
polski | pol-000 | w tił |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tiʔ 1 |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tiʔ 2 |
English | eng-000 | WTK |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wtk |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtk |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wtk-000 |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTK-OTDR-Fiber-Optics-Analysis-Trace-JDS-Uniphase-Corporation |
Catawba | chc-000 | w>tk>tu` kayo`h-re |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTK-URL-address-of-person-to-talk-to-WinTalk |
English | eng-000 | WTL |
русский | rus-000 | WTL |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtl |
English | eng-000 | W.&T.L.C. |
GeoNames Feature Codes | art-286 | WTLD |
GeoNames Feature Codes | art-286 | WTLDI |
mədəŋkyɛ | bgj-000 | w‿tlo |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTL-Windows-Test-Technologies-WTT-Logger-Results |
English | eng-000 | WTM |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wtm |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wtm-000 |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtmp |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTMP-Mac-File-Type |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTMP-Word-5-Temp-File |
English | eng-000 | WT-MSR |
Wosera | abt-003 | wtmw~5 |
Ambulas | abt-001 | wtmwɲ |
Abulas | abt-000 | wtmy |
Ambulas—Maprik | abt-002 | wtmy~ |
Gĩkũyũ | kik-000 | WTN |
Kĩmĩrũ | mer-000 | WTN |
Kĩkamba | kam-000 | Wtn |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@tnaanh |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@t nakmok |
Classical Arabic—ASJP | arb-001 | WTO |
普通话 | cmn-000 | WTO |
國語 | cmn-001 | WTO |
Hànyǔ | cmn-003 | WTO |
dansk | dan-000 | WTO |
Deutsch | deu-000 | WTO |
English | eng-000 | WTO |
suomi | fin-000 | WTO |
français | fra-000 | WTO |
magyar | hun-000 | WTO |
Nihongo | jpn-001 | WTO |
Hangungmal | kor-001 | WTO |
Tâi-gí | nan-003 | WTO |
polski | pol-000 | WTO |
Bahasa Malaysia | zsm-000 | WTO |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Wto |
English | eng-000 | Wto |
Kamwe—Higi-Baza | hig-000 | wto |
polski | pol-000 | wto |
Kamwe—Higi-Baza | hig-000 | wtò |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement of the Application on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Agriculture |
English | eng-000 | WTO-Agreement on Basic Telecommunications |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Government Procurement |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Public Procurement |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Safeguards |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers on Trade |
English | eng-000 | WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
English | eng-000 | WTO Commission for Europe |
English | eng-000 | WTO Commission for the Americas |
English | eng-000 | WTO Committee on Negotiations for the Conversion of the Organization into a Specialized Agency of the United Nations |
English | eng-000 | WTO-consistent |
English | eng-000 | WTO countries |
polski | pol-000 | wtoczyć |
polski | pol-000 | wtoczyć się |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | WTO(equ>World Trade Organization) |
English | eng-000 | WTO/ESCAP Programme of Technical Assistance for Asia and the Pacific |
English | eng-000 | WTO General Council |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | wto(icl>world_organization>thing,equ>world_trade_organization) |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtokay |
polski | pol-000 | w toku |
English | eng-000 | W. Tomba Singh |
English | eng-000 | WTO-minus |
English | eng-000 | WToO |
English | eng-000 | WTO-plus |
English | eng-000 | WTO provisions |
polski | pol-000 | wtór |
polski | pol-000 | Wtorek |
polski | pol-000 | wtorek |
Ślůnsko godka | szl-000 | wtorek |
Tehuelche | teh-000 | wʼtˀoreʔ- |
kaszëbsczi jãzëk | csb-000 | wtórk |
polski | pol-000 | wtorkowy |
polski | pol-000 | wtórna |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne ognisko zakażenia |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne składniki roślinne |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne substancje roślinne |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne wykorzystanie danych |
polski | pol-000 | wtórne związki roślinne |
bălgarski ezik | bul-001 | wtornik |
polski | pol-000 | wtórnik |
russkij | rus-001 | wtórnik |
polski | pol-000 | wtórny |
polski | pol-000 | wtórny napływ uchodźców |
polski | pol-000 | wtórny) podział |
russkij | rus-001 | wtoropjah |
polski | pol-000 | wtórować |
polski | pol-000 | wtórować wyciem |
russkij | rus-001 | wtorschénie |
polski | pol-000 | wtórzyć |
íslenska | isl-000 | WTO-samninganefnd um tæknilegar viðskiptahindranir |
English | eng-000 | WTO TBT Committee |
russkij | rus-001 | w to wremja |
russkij | rus-001 | w to wremja kak |
Hànyǔ | cmn-003 | WTO zhǔ guǎn jī gòu |
Hànyǔ | cmn-003 | WTOzhǔ guǎn jī gòu |
普通话 | cmn-000 | WTO主管机构 |
English | eng-000 | WTP |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtp |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTP-Dawn-of-War-Textures-Games-Workshop-Group-PLC |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | WTPF(icl>The World Telecommunications Policy Forum) |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtpl |
English | eng-000 | wt.prej. |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtpt |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtr |
polski | pol-000 | w trąbkę |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącać |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącać się |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącać swoje trzy grosze |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącanie |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącanie się |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącanie swoich trzech groszy |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącenie |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącić |
polski | pol-000 | wtrącić się |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | W-Train-Simulator-world-file |
polski | pol-000 | w trakcie |
polski | pol-000 | w trakcie lotu |
polski | pol-000 | w trakcie tworzenia |
polski | pol-000 | w tratwy) |
GeoNames Feature Codes | art-286 | WTRC |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTR-Encarta-File |
Cymraeg | cym-000 | wtres |
GeoNames Feature Codes | art-286 | WTRH |
English | eng-000 | WTrO |
polski | pol-000 | w trójnasób |
kaszëbsczi jãzëk | csb-000 | w trón |
English | eng-000 | WTRPM |
English | eng-000 | wt-rpm combination |
English | eng-000 | W-truss |
GeoNames Feature Codes | art-286 | WTRW |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTR-Winter-Windows-scheduler-file |
polski | pol-000 | w trybie natychmiastowym |
polski | pol-000 | w trybie natychmiastowym (nadzwyczajnym |
polski | pol-000 | W trybie online |
polski | pol-000 | wtryniać |
polski | pol-000 | wtrynić |
polski | pol-000 | wtrynić się |
polski | pol-000 | wtrysk |
polski | pol-000 | wtryskiwać |
polski | pol-000 | wtryskiwacz paliwa |
polski | pol-000 | wtrząśnięty |
English | eng-000 | WTS |
bahasa Indonesia | ind-000 | WTS |
filename extensions | art-335 | wts |
English | eng-000 | WTSHLLV |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTS-Ntgraph-Qwknetv1-file |
Peace Corps 2007 Tamazight | tzm-009 | wt swawal |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTS-WION-Technology-Setup-WION-Technology |
English | eng-000 | WT Synth |
Kamwe—Higi Futu | hig-001 | wtsʊnʊmtsì |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtt |
Catawba | chc-000 | w-t> tcuwe |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTT-Likno-Web-HTML-Tooltips-Builder-file |
English | eng-000 | WTTM |
English | eng-000 | W. T. Tutte |
ʔanhpün tzame | zoh-000 | w@t tzinu |
Kĩkamba | kam-000 | Wtũ |
Waray | wrz-000 | wṭu |
polski | pol-000 | wtulać |
polski | pol-000 | wtulać się |
polski | pol-000 | wtulić |
polski | pol-000 | wtulić się |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtus |
Muyuw | myw-000 | wtús |
English | eng-000 | WTV |
suomi | fin-000 | WTV |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtv |
español | spa-000 | wtv |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTV-Media-Center-Recorded-Television-File-Microsoft-Corporation |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTV-Windows-Media-Center-recorded-television-file |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTV-Windows-Media-Center-Video-File |
ISO 639-3 | art-001 | wtw |
polski | pol-000 | wtw |
ISO 639-PanLex | art-274 | wtw-000 |
polski | pol-000 | wtw gdy |
English | eng-000 | WT - wireless telegraphy |
filename extensions | art-335 | wtx |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTX-ASCII-Text |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | WTX-WinTune-Export-Document |
Palicur | plu-000 | wty~ak |
polski | pol-000 | wtyczka |
polski | pol-000 | wtyczka elektryczna |
polski | pol-000 | wtyczka RJ-45 |
polski | pol-000 | wtyczka telefoniczna |
polski | pol-000 | wtyczkowy |
Thuɔŋjäŋ | din-000 | wtyer |
Cha7³¹ tinyan³ | ctz-000 | wtʸi |
polski | pol-000 | wtyk |