Deutsch | deu-000 | Comiziano |
English | eng-000 | Comiziano |
Esperanto | epo-000 | Comiziano |
français | fra-000 | Comiziano |
magyar | hun-000 | Comiziano |
italiano | ita-000 | Comiziano |
napulitano | nap-000 | Comiziano |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Comiziano |
polski | pol-000 | Comiziano |
português | por-000 | Comiziano |
Volapük | vol-000 | Comiziano |
italiano | ita-000 | comiziante |
italiano | ita-000 | Comizi d’amore |
italiano | ita-000 | comizio |
italiano | ita-000 | comìzio |
polski | pol-000 | Co mi zrobisz |
occitan | oci-000 | comjat |
português | por-000 | com justiça |
hiMxI | hin-004 | cOMkA |
hiMxI | hin-004 | cOMka |
mundaŋ | mua-000 | Comkaldǝɓlii |
Ruáingga | rhg-000 | comke |
Ruáingga | rhg-000 | comker |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | cơm không |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | còm kĩnh |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | COM klasa |
srpski | srp-001 | COM klasa |
latviešu | lvs-000 | COM klase |
lietuvių | lit-000 | COM klasė |
euskara | eus-000 | COM klasea |
íslenska | isl-000 | COM-klasi |
eesti | ekk-000 | COM-klass |
svenska | swe-000 | COM-klass |
Deutsch | deu-000 | COM-Klasse |
dansk | dan-000 | COM-klasse |
Nederlands | nld-000 | COM-klasse |
bokmål | nob-000 | COM-klasse |
mundaŋ | mua-000 | Comkolle |
Türkçe | tur-000 | COM+ Kur |
English | eng-000 | coml |
Goídelc | sga-000 | comla |
tatar tele | tat-000 | cömlä |
mundaŋ | mua-000 | Comlaaɗii |
English | eng-000 | COM LAG |
suomi | fin-000 | COM LAG |
italiano | ita-000 | COM LAG |
Türkçe | tur-000 | COM LAG |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Com Lag |
tatar tele | tat-000 | cömlä ğ. |
English | eng-000 | comlain |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | cơm lam |
hanácké | ces-002 | cômlat |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | com-lê |
yn Ghaelg | glv-000 | comleayrtagh |
yn Ghaelg | glv-000 | comleayrtys |
português | por-000 | com legendas |
português | por-000 | com leite |
toskërishte | als-000 | çomlek |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek atölyesi |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi atölyesi |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi çamuru |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi çarkı |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi kuşu |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi kuşugiller |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçilik |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi spatulası |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekçi tornası |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek imalâthanesi |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek işi |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek işine ait |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek kavanoz |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlek kırığı |
Türkçe | tur-000 | çömlekte pişmiş |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | cộm lên |
English | eng-000 | comletely |
English | eng-000 | Comleyan |
English | eng-000 | Comley sandstone |
English | eng-000 | comlicate |
English | eng-000 | comlicated issue |
português | por-000 | com licença |
português brasileiro | por-001 | com licença |
português europeu | por-002 | com licença |
português | por-000 | com limite inferior |
português | por-000 | com limites definidos |
Gã | gaa-000 | čo mli nu |
English | eng-000 | Com.L.J. |
italiano | ita-000 | comlloisho |
español | spa-000 | comlloisho |
English | eng-000 | Comlognet |
English | eng-000 | comlognet |
eesti | ekk-000 | .com-lõpulise domeeni omanik |
English | eng-000 | Comloş River |
English | eng-000 | Comloşu Mare |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Comloşu Mare |
română | ron-000 | Comloșu Mare |
Interlingue | ile-000 | comlpeer |
Interlingue | ile-000 | comlpement |
English | eng-000 | Com.L.R. |
Goídelc | sga-000 | comlugae |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | còm lưng |
suomi | fin-000 | COM-luokka |
English | eng-000 | Comm |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Comm |
English | eng-000 | Comm. |
milanese | lmo-002 | Còmm |
English | eng-000 | comm |
français | fra-000 | comm. |
italiano | ita-000 | comm. |
English | eng-000 | Comm10 Envelope |
Türkçe | tur-000 | Comm10 Zarf |
Glottocode | art-327 | comm1243 |
Glottocode | art-327 | comm1245 |
Glottocode | art-327 | comm1246 |
Unicode Character Names | art-315 | COMMA |
American English | eng-004 | COMMA |
English | eng-000 | Comma |
français | fra-000 | Comma |
Sambahsa-mundialect | art-288 | comma |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | comma |
English | eng-000 | comma |
français | fra-000 | comma |
Interlingue | ile-000 | comma |
interlingua | ina-000 | comma |
italiano | ita-000 | comma |
latine | lat-000 | comma |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | comma |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | commâ |
italiano | ita-000 | còmma |
Kemant | ahg-000 | čʼomma |
afa-n ari | aiw-000 | čʼomma |
Bilen | byn-002 | čʼomma |
Janjero | jnj-000 | čʼomma |
Sidaama | sid-000 | čʼomma |
Burji | bji-000 | čʼoːmma |
italiano | ita-000 | Comma 22 |
English | eng-000 | Comma Accent |
English | eng-000 | CommaAccent |
English | eng-000 | comma accent |
italiano | ita-000 | comma albicocco |
English | eng-000 | comma alignment |
English | eng-000 | comma alignment tab |
English | eng-000 | comma and period |
English | eng-000 | comma bacillus |
English | eng-000 | comma below |
English | eng-000 | comma butterfly |
English | eng-000 | Commack |
Volapük | vol-000 | Commack |
English | eng-000 | comma cloud |
English | eng-000 | comma code |
latine | lat-000 | commaculare |
English | eng-000 | Comma deliminated text |
English | eng-000 | Comma Delimited |
English | eng-000 | Comma-delimited ASCII file |
English | eng-000 | comma-delimited file |
English | eng-000 | comma-delimited format |
français | fra-000 | commade numérique |
English | eng-000 | Comma escapement |
English | eng-000 | comma fault |
English | eng-000 | commafin goby |
English | eng-000 | comma free code |
English | eng-000 | comma-free code |
català | cat-000 | Commagena |
English | eng-000 | Commagene |
italiano | ita-000 | Commagene |
latine | lat-000 | Commagene |
français | fra-000 | Commagène |
latine | lat-000 | Commagenus |
yn Ghaelg | glv-000 | commagh |
English | eng-000 | comma goby |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | comma(icl>mark) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | comma(icl>nymphalid>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | comma(icl>punctuation>thing) |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Comma Johanneum |
English | eng-000 | Comma Johanneum |
italiano | ita-000 | Comma Johanneum |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Comma Johanneum |
polski | pol-000 | Comma Johanneum |
português | por-000 | Comma Johanneum |
română | ron-000 | Comma Johanneum |
português | por-000 | com maldade |
français | fra-000 | comma, le |
Zeneize | lij-002 | cómm’a l’é bella |
English | eng-000 | commaless code |
português | por-000 | com mal-estar |
türkmençe | tuk-000 | çommalmak |
türkmençe | tuk-000 | çommaltmak |
English | eng-000 | Comma missing |
binisayang Sinugboanon | ceb-000 | Commana |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Commana |
English | eng-000 | Commana |
français | fra-000 | Commana |
italiano | ita-000 | Commana |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Commana |
polski | pol-000 | Commana |
português | por-000 | Commana |
srpski | srp-001 | Commana |
Volapük | vol-000 | Commana |
English | eng-000 | commancement |
English | eng-000 | Command |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | command |
filename extensions | art-335 | command |
English | eng-000 | command |
Globish | eng-003 | command |
parler yonnais | fra-001 | command |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | commând’ |
français | fra-000 | commanda |
interlingua | ina-000 | commanda |
English | eng-000 | command abbreviation |
English | eng-000 | commandable |
English | eng-000 | command address |
English | eng-000 | command address register |
English | eng-000 | command a fine view |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | command(agt>human) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | command(agt>human,gol>human) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | command(agt>human,obj>human) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | command(agt>thing,obj>thing) |
English | eng-000 | command aide |
English | eng-000 | command airplane |
English | eng-000 | command alias |
interlingua | ina-000 | commandamento |
English | eng-000 | commandancy |
English | eng-000 | Command and Conquer Renegade File |
English | eng-000 | Command and Conquer : Tiberian Sun voxel animation control file |
English | eng-000 | command and control |
English | eng-000 | command-and-control |
English | eng-000 | command and control communication system |
English | eng-000 | command and control display |
English | eng-000 | command and control information system |
English | eng-000 | command and control instruments |
English | eng-000 | command-and-control legislation |
English | eng-000 | command and control structure |
English | eng-000 | command and control system |
English | eng-000 | command-and-control systems |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Command and Control Vehicle |
English | eng-000 | command-and-control warfare |
English | eng-000 | command and data acquisition station |
English | eng-000 | command and data simulator |
English | eng-000 | command and enforcement instruments |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Command and General Staff College |
English | eng-000 | Command and General Staff College |
English | eng-000 | command and measuring complex |
English | eng-000 | command and reconnaissance vehicle |
English | eng-000 | command and service module |
English | eng-000 | command and status register |
English | eng-000 | command and support regiment |
English | eng-000 | command and transport helicopter regiment |
français | fra-000 | Commandant |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | commandant |
Sambahsa-mundialect | art-288 | commandant |
English | eng-000 | commandant |
français | fra-000 | commandant |
Nederlands | nld-000 | commandant |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | commandânt |
français | fra-000 | commandant adjoint de la force |
français | fra-000 | commandant apportant un soutien |
français | fra-000 | commandant bénéficiant du soutien |
français | fra-000 | commandant chargé du soutien |
français | fra-000 | commandant d’armée |
français | fra-000 | commandant de bord |
français | fra-000 | commandant de brigade |
français | fra-000 | commandant de camp de QG |
français | fra-000 | commandant de composante |
français | fra-000 | commandant de corps |
français | fra-000 | commandant de défense aérienne de zone |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de division |
français | fra-000 | commandant de groupe |
français | fra-000 | commandant de groupe de déminage |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Brigade |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la brigade |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la division |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Force |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Force avancée |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Force des Nations Unies chargée d’observer le dégagement |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Force internationale pour le Timor oriental |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la force opérationnelle combinée |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la Force opérationnelle indonésienne au Timor oriental |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la force par intérim |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de la KFOR |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la mission aérienne |
français | fra-000 | commandant de la prévôté de la force |
français | fra-000 | commandant de l'armée |
français | fra-000 | commandant de l’armée |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de l’élément français |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de l’IFOR |
français | fra-000 | commandant d’escadrille |
français | fra-000 | commandant d’escadron |
français | fra-000 | commandant de secteur |
français | fra-000 | Commandant des Forces armées libanaises |
français | fra-000 | commandant des forces britanniques |
français | fra-000 | commandant des forces conjointes |
français | fra-000 | Commandant des forces de l’avant |
français | fra-000 | commandant des opérations de l’ECOMOG |
français | fra-000 | commandant des troupes |
français | fra-000 | Commandant de théâtre des forces des Nations Unies |
français | fra-000 | commandant de troupes |
français | fra-000 | commandant du bataillon |
français | fra-000 | commandant du bord |
français | fra-000 | commandant du camp |
français | fra-000 | commandant du contingent |
français | fra-000 | commandant du détachement national |