English | eng-000 | Declaration on Conventional Arms Transfers and NBC Non-proliferation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on cooperation among the Danube States in relation to problems of water management in the River Danube, particularly the protection of its waters against pollution |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Declining Official Development Assistance and Financial Aid in General |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Development of Natural Resources |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Educational Certificates |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Encouraging Closer Trade, Transit and Investment Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Environment and Sustainable Development in the Carpathian and Danube Region |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Fact-Finding by the United Nations in the Field of the Maintenance of International Peace and Security |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Fisheries in the South West Atlantic |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on former Yugoslavia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on freedom of communication on the Internet |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Friendship, Good-neighbourliness and Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Gender and Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Great Apes |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Health as a Foundation for Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Healthy Cities in Asia and the Pacific |
English | eng-000 | declaration on human social responsibilities |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on innovative sources of financing for development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Action against Apartheid in Sports |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Cooperation against Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Cooperation for Disarmament |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Guarantees |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on International Security and Disarmament |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Joint Islamic Action to Combat Blasphemy Against Islam |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Law Enforcement Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Local Self-Government |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Low- and Non-waste Technology and Re-utilization and Recycling of Wastes |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on measures for a political settlement of the Georgian/Abkhaz conflict |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on mercenary activity in Central Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Mining and Export of Minerals and Gems from Cambodia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Minority Education Rights |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Mostar |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and International Investment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on National Reconciliation |
English | eng-000 | declaration on oath |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Palestine |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Peace, Security and Cooperation in the Caucasus Region |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Population and Development in Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Population and Sustainable Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Principles |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Principles and Basic Directions of the Development of Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Principles of Rational Exploitation of the Living Resources of the Seas and Oceans in the Common Interests of All Peoples of the World |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Relations with Developing Countries |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on resuming the withdrawal of Cuban troops |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Rights and Duties of States |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Sanctions against South Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Security and Peace in Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Security, Disarmament and Development in Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Social Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Social Progress and Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on South Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on South Africa and Anti-Apartheid Action |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on South Africa’s Militarization |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Southern Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on south-west Atlantic fisheries |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Statistics for Social Progress |
español | spa-000 | Declaration on Statistics for Social Progress |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of India and the Russian Federation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Subversion |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Territorial Asylum |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Territories under Portuguese Domination |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Terrorism |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Abrogation of the Clark Amendment by the Senate of the United States |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Advancement of North-South Korean Relations, Peace and Prosperity |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the African Plan of Action concerning the Situation of Women in Africa in the Context of Family Health |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the AIDS Epidemic in Africa |
English | eng-000 | declaration on the basic conditions and standard criteria for the introduction of sanctions and other coercive measures and their implementation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Broadening and Deepening of Kazakh-Russian Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Independence of Pakistan |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Condemnation of Nuclear War |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteries |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Continental Shelf in the Baltic Sea |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Conversion to Peaceful Needs of the Resources Released by Disarmament |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Coordinated Extension of Jurisdiction in the North Sea |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Cultural Aspects in the Lagos Plan of Action |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Deepening and Consolidation of International Detente |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Defence of Democracy |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the denuclearization of Latin America |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Denuclearization of the South Atlantic |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Development of Cooperation between Georgia and |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Development of Friendship and Cooperation between France and the Soviet Union |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Development of Relations between Georgia and Bulgaria |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Economic and Social Agenda for Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millennium |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the end of the rebellious action |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional Arrangements or Agencies in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the Principle of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Environment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Establishment of a Mechanism on Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Ethiopian Millennium |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Follow-up of the World Summit for Social Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Further Development of Cooperation between Georgia and the Republic of Kazakhstan |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the further intensification of regional integration |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Further National Development of Memoranda of Understanding between Customs and the Trading Community aimed at Cooperation to prevent Drug Smuggling |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Further Strengthening of Strategic Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Further Union of the Russian Federation and Belarus |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Girl Child |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Gulf Crisis |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Harmonization of Various Issues Proposed by the Somali Delegates at the Somali Consultative Meetings from 9-29 January 2004 |
čeština | ces-000 | Declaration on the Human Environment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Human Environment |
English | eng-000 | declaration on the human environment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live |
English | eng-000 | declaration on the human rights of prisoners |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty |
English | eng-000 | declaration on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and assessors and the independence of lawyers |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the International Conference on Peace, Security, Democracy and Development in the Great Lakes Region |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Inviolability of Frontiers |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Issues of the Law of the Sea |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baky new railway connection project between the Republic of Turkey, Georgia and the Republic of Azerbaijan |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Launching of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Law of the Sea |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Liberation of Namibia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the maintenance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the frontiers of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Marine Environment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Middle East |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Middle East Peace Process |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the United Nations |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the OIC Action Programme to Implement the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the operational capability of the Common European Defence Policy |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Participation of Women in Promoting International Peace and Co-operation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Participation of Women in Promoting International Peace and Cooperation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the peace process in the Middle East |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the plight of the Turkish Muslim minority in Bulgaria |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prevention and Removal of Disputes and Situations Which May Threaten International Peace and Security and on the Role of the United Nations in this Field |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prevention of Genocide against Bosnians and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prohibition of Military, Political or Economic Coercion in the Conclusion of Treaties |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding between Peoples |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Prospects of Global Dialogue on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of Flora, Fauna and their Habitats in Europe |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of Mentally-Ill Persons |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of Privacy on Global Networks |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of the Atmosphere |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Recovery of Illicit Arms in Civilian Hands in Central America |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations towards Future Generations |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights and Care of the Child in Islam |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Right to Development |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Role of Religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Situation in Afghanistan |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the situation in Haiti |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Situation in Nicaragua |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Situation in South Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the situation in the Great lakes Region |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Situation in the Middle East and the Question of Palestine in the Light of Recent Developments |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the South China Sea |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Strengthening of Peace and Security in the Central American region |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Strengthening of the United Nations and the reform of the Security Council |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Struggle for National Liberation |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Tenth Anniversary of the Rio Group |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the treatment of Muslim Women in former Yugoslavia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Treaty on Open Skies |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for Africa |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Universal Participation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the World Food Problem |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on the Yugoslav crisis |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Transborder Data Flows |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Unilateral Measures |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Violation of Human Rights and Freedoms of the Bosniac-Moslems in Sandžak and Other Parts of Serbia and Montenegro |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on water resources |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Youth |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Yugoslavia |
English | eng-000 | Declaration on Zero Tolerance for FGM |
English | eng-000 | declaration outwards |
English | eng-000 | declaration part |
français | fra-000 | déclaration peu sincère |
English | eng-000 | declaration policy |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique à l’occasion du quarantième anniversaire de la de la seconde guerre mondiale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique conjointe de la Conférence ministérielle sur le dialogue politique et la coopération économique entre la Communauté européenne et ses Etats membres, les pays d’Amérique centrale et ceux du Groupe de Contadora |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique de la quatrième Conférence des Chefs d’Etat ou de Gouvernement des pays non alignés |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique de Naples et plan mondial d’action contre la criminalité transnationale organisée |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique finale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique - Pour un monde plus sûr et plus humain |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique sur la coopération internationale contre la production, l’offre, la demande, le trafic et la distribution illicites de stupéfiants et de substances psychotropes |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration politique sur le VIH/sida |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration portant condamnation de la guerre nucléaire |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration portant création de l’Organisation de Shanghai pour la coopération |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration portant reconnaissance du droit au pavillon des Etats dépourvus de littoral maritime |
français | fra-000 | déclaration pour expliquer |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration pour la célébration du cinquantième anniversaire de la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration pour la libération de la Namibie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration pour la paix et la coopération |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration pour le développement de l’économie mondiale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration, pour une durée de cinq ans, de l’interdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons ou par d’autres modes analogues nouveaux |
English | eng-000 | declaration prelude |
English | eng-000 | declaration procedure |
English | eng-000 | Declaration proclaiming climate as part of the common heritage of mankind |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration proclamant que le climat fait partie du patrimoine commun de l’humanité |
English | eng-000 | Declaration Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons |
français | fra-000 | déclaration publique |
English | eng-000 | Declaration recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast |
English | eng-000 | Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration réglant divers points de droit maritime |
English | eng-000 | Declaration Relating to Cultural Rights |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à des mesures visant un règlement politique du conflit entre la Géorgie et l’Abkhazie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la Conférence internationale sur la paix, la sécurité, la démocratie et le développement dans la région des Grands Lacs |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la fin de la mutinerie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la poursuite de l’intégration régionale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la promotion du dialogue et de l’entente mutuelle entre religions et civilisations Orhid 2007 |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la protection de la vie privée sur les réseaux |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à la souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à l’autonomie locale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à l’extension coordonnée de la jurisdiction en mer du Nord |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à l’instauration d’un partenariat stratégique entre la République de l’Inde et la Fédération de Russie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à l’interdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à Mostar |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative au contrôle interne |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative à une situation d’urgence affectant les enfants des pays en voie de développement à la suite de la crise économique actuelle |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative au sort de la minorité turco-musulmane de Bulgarie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative au Traité sur le régime Ciel ouvert |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux critères devant régir les élections libres et régulières |
français | fra-000 | déclaration relative aux droits culturels |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux droits de l’homme et à la santé mentale |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux droits des minorités dans le domaine de l’éducation |
français | fra-000 | déclaration relative aux normes et principes fondamentaux régissant l’adoption et l’application de sanctions et d’autres mesures de coercition |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux principes du droit international touchant les relations amicales et la coopération entre les Etats conformément à la Charte des Nations Unies |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux territoires non autonomes |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration relative aux zones de pêche de l’Atlantique du Sud-Ouest |
English | eng-000 | Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles Under 400 Grammes Weight |
English | eng-000 | declaration requirement |
English | eng-000 | Declaration Respecting Maritime Law |
English | eng-000 | DECLARATIONS |
English | eng-000 | DéCLARAtions |
français | fra-000 | DéCLARAtions |
English | eng-000 | declarations |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration Schuman |
français | fra-000 | déclarations de la victime sur les répercussions |
English | eng-000 | declaration sentence |
English | eng-000 | declaration shipment clause |
español | spa-000 | Declaration sobre el desarrollo de la cooperación entre Georgia y |
English | eng-000 | declarations of |
English | eng-000 | declarations of bankruptcy |
English | eng-000 | declarations of death |
English | eng-000 | declarations of intention |
English | eng-000 | declarations of war |
français | fra-000 | déclaration solennelle |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration solennelle concernant les droits des agents de la fonction publique |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration solennelle d’engagement national |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration solennelle relative à l’emploi |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration solennelle sur la conservation et la gestion des ressources halieutiques de la Méditerranée |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration solennelle sur l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes en Afrique |
français | fra-000 | déclaration sous serment |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale du Président dans l’intérêt de la fierté, de l’unification et de la prosperité nationales |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale sur la cause de la Palestine et d’Al-Qods Al-Sharif et le conflit arabo-israelien |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale sur la Namibie |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale sur l’Angola |
français | fra-000 | Déclaration spéciale sur le Jammu et Cachemire |