èdè Yorùbá | yor-000 | ?dédù |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Dedu |
Kadaru | kdu-000 | de-du |
GSB Mangalore | gom-001 | deDu |
asturianu | ast-000 | dedu |
Proto-Bantu | bnt-000 | dedu |
Chamoru | cha-000 | dedu |
Kɨlaangi | lag-000 | dedu |
provençau, nòrma mistralenca | oci-002 | dedu |
Inkawasi-Kañaris | quf-000 | dedu |
chiShona | sna-000 | dedu |
manju gisun | mnc-000 | dedu- |
Toro So Dogon | dts-000 | dèdu |
Hànyǔ | cmn-003 | dédù |
slověnĭskŭ językŭ | chu-001 | dědŭ |
Glottocode | art-327 | dedu1240 |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Dedua |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Dedua |
ISO 639-3 Inverted Names | art-291 | Dedua |
Ethnologue Primary Language Names | art-323 | Dedua |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Dedua |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Dedua |
Dedua | ded-000 | Dedua |
English | eng-000 | Dedua |
Mamuju | mqx-000 | dedua |
Lingua Franca Nova | lfn-000 | deduador |
português | por-000 | de duas hélices |
português | por-000 | de duas mãos |
galego | glg-000 | de dúas pezas |
português | por-000 | de duas pontas |
Südbadisch | gsw-003 | de Dubel mache |
română | ron-000 | dedublare |
Nourmaund | xno-000 | de duble |
Nourmaund | xno-000 | de duble corage |
français | fra-000 | de Dublin |
Türkçe | tur-000 | dedublöman |
manju gisun | mnc-000 | dedubumbi |
lingaz ladin | lld-000 | de duc |
română | ron-000 | deduc |
português | por-000 | dedução |
português brasileiro | por-001 | dedução |
português europeu | por-002 | dedução |
português | por-000 | dedução fiscal |
português | por-000 | dedução mensal |
português | por-000 | dedução por esgotamento |
français | fra-000 | d’éducation |
español | spa-000 | deducativo |
català | cat-000 | deducció |
occitan | oci-000 | deduccion |
español | spa-000 | deduccion |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | deducción |
asturianu | ast-000 | deducción |
galego | glg-000 | deducción |
español | spa-000 | deducción |
español | spa-000 | deducción de impuestos |
español | spa-000 | deducción de impuestos potenciales |
español | spa-000 | deducción en cuota |
español | spa-000 | deducciones impositivas |
español | spa-000 | deducción fiscal |
español | spa-000 | deducción por concepto de alquiler |
español | spa-000 | deducción por concepto del impuesto potencial |
español | spa-000 | deducción por gastos personales o cargas de familia |
español | spa-000 | deducción por negocios |
español | spa-000 | deducción sobre el activo agotable |
English | eng-000 | deduce |
Glosa | igs-001 | deduce |
română | ron-000 | deduce |
English | eng-000 | deduce a formula |
English | eng-000 | deduce by guess |
English | eng-000 | deduced |
English | eng-000 | deduced elicited |
English | eng-000 | deduced equation |
English | eng-000 | deduced representation |
English | eng-000 | deduce from |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduce(icl>reason>do,rsn>thing,agt>volitional_thing,obj>uw) |
română | ron-000 | deducem |
manju gisun | mnc-000 | deducembi |
interlingua | ina-000 | deducer |
svenska | swe-000 | deducera |
dansk | dan-000 | deducere |
română | ron-000 | deducere |
română | ron-000 | deducere la sursă |
Nederlands | nld-000 | deduceren |
davvisámegiella | sme-000 | deduceret |
română | ron-000 | deducere treptată a numelui |
julevsámegiella | smj-000 | deducerit |
English | eng-000 | deduce rule |
English | eng-000 | deduces |
latviešu | lvs-000 | deducēt |
română | ron-000 | deduceți |
occitan | oci-000 | deduch |
occitan | oci-000 | deduchar |
română | ron-000 | deduci |
galego | glg-000 | deducíbel |
italiano | ita-000 | deducibile |
italiano | ita-000 | deducìbile |
español | spa-000 | deducibilidad |
English | eng-000 | deducibility |
English | eng-000 | deducibility problem |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | deducible |
asturianu | ast-000 | deducible |
English | eng-000 | deducible |
galego | glg-000 | deducible |
español | spa-000 | deducible |
español | spa-000 | deducible a efectos tributarios |
English | eng-000 | deducible clause |
español | spa-000 | deducible de impuestos |
English | eng-000 | deducible directory |
English | eng-000 | deducible formula |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | deduciblement |
español | spa-000 | deduciblemente |
English | eng-000 | deducible rule |
English | eng-000 | deducible theorem |
español | spa-000 | deducidos los impuestos |
English | eng-000 | deducing |
galego | glg-000 | dedución |
provençau, nòrma mistralenca | oci-002 | deducioun |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | deducir |
asturianu | ast-000 | deducir |
galego | glg-000 | deducir |
español | spa-000 | deducir |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | deducirati |
lingua siciliana | scn-000 | deduciri |
español | spa-000 | deducirse |
italiano | ita-000 | deduck |
español | spa-000 | deduck |
latine | lat-000 | deduco |
latine | lat-000 | dēdūcō |
latine | lat-000 | deduco is ere duxi ductum |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduct |
English | eng-000 | deduct |
English | eng-000 | deduct 5% from smb’s pay |
English | eng-000 | deduct 5% out of smb’s pay |
latine | lat-000 | deducta |
English | eng-000 | deductable |
English | eng-000 | deduct costs |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deducted |
English | eng-000 | deducted |
English | eng-000 | deducted from patrimony |
English | eng-000 | deducted space |
Romániço | art-013 | deducter |
Interlingue | ile-000 | deducter |
English | eng-000 | deduct expenses |
English | eng-000 | deduct from |
English | eng-000 | deduct from one’s account |
English | eng-000 | deduct from something |
English | eng-000 | deduct from the pay |
English | eng-000 | deduct from the salary |
English | eng-000 | deduct from the wages |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | dèductîb’ |
română | ron-000 | deductibil |
français | fra-000 | déductibilité |
English | eng-000 | deductibility |
English | eng-000 | Deductible |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deductible |
English | eng-000 | deductible |
español | spa-000 | deductible |
français | fra-000 | déductible |
English | eng-000 | deductible allowance |
English | eng-000 | deductible average |
English | eng-000 | deductible average clause |
English | eng-000 | deductible clause |
English | eng-000 | deductible concept |
English | eng-000 | deductible consistency |
English | eng-000 | deductible contributions |
English | eng-000 | deductible costs |
français | fra-000 | déductible de la matière imposable |
français | fra-000 | déductible du revenu imposable |
English | eng-000 | deductible expenditure |
English | eng-000 | deductible expenditure-business |
English | eng-000 | deductible expenses |
English | eng-000 | deductible franchise |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deductible(icl>adj,ant>nondeductible) |
English | eng-000 | deductible items |
English | eng-000 | deductible liability insurance |
English | eng-000 | deductible loans |
English | eng-000 | deductible loss |
English | eng-000 | deductible medical expenses |
English | eng-000 | deductible medicines and drugs |
English | eng-000 | deductible moving expenses |
English | eng-000 | deductibles |
English | eng-000 | deductible spaces |
English | eng-000 | deductible tax |
English | eng-000 | deductible temporary difference |
English | eng-000 | deductible value added tax |
English | eng-000 | deductible VAT |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduct(icl>calculate>do,equ>subtract,cob>thing,agt>volitional_thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduct(icl>keep>do,equ>withhold,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduct(icl>reason>do,equ>deduce,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Nederlands | nld-000 | deductie |
română | ron-000 | deducție |
Nederlands | nld-000 | deductief |
français | fra-000 | déductif |
English | eng-000 | deduct in advance |
English | eng-000 | deducting |
English | eng-000 | deducting payments |
latine | lat-000 | deductio |
latine | lat-000 | dēductiō |
latine | lat-000 | deductio aquae |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | deduction |
English | eng-000 | deduction |
Interlingue | ile-000 | deduction |
interlingua | ina-000 | deduction |
español | spa-000 | deduction |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | dèductiôn |
français | fra-000 | déduction |
English | eng-000 | deduction agreement bond |
English | eng-000 | deduction at source |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | deductionBasis |
English | eng-000 | deduction beforehand |
français | fra-000 | déduction d’impôt |
français | fra-000 | déduction d’impôt fictif |
français | fra-000 | déduction d’un compte |
English | eng-000 | deduction exemption certificate |
français | fra-000 | déduction faite de |
français | fra-000 | déduction fiscale |
English | eng-000 | deduction for social security |
English | eng-000 | deduction from gross income |
English | eng-000 | deduction from income |
English | eng-000 | deduction from net income |
français | fra-000 | déduction hypothétique |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>allowance>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>amount) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>decrease>thing,equ>discount) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>decrease>thing,equ>subtraction,ant>addition) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>inference>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>process) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>reasoning>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deduction(icl>write-off>thing,equ>tax_write-off) |
English | eng-000 | deduction in the yearly rent |
français | fra-000 | déduction logique |
English | eng-000 | deduction method |
English | eng-000 | deduction of contribution |
English | eng-000 | deduction of expenses |
English | eng-000 | deduction of tax |
English | eng-000 | deduction-oriented language |
français | fra-000 | déduction pour épuisement |
français | fra-000 | déduction pour impôt payé à l’étranger |
English | eng-000 | deduction principle |
English | eng-000 | DeductionPro 2007 file |
English | eng-000 | DeductionPro 2008 file |
English | eng-000 | deduction register |
English | eng-000 | deduction rule |
English | eng-000 | Deductions |
English | eng-000 | deductions |
français | fra-000 | déductions à la source |
English | eng-000 | deductions before distribution |
français | fra-000 | déductions d’impôts |
English | eng-000 | deductions from gross income |
English | eng-000 | deductions from net income |
English | eng-000 | deductions from pay |
English | eng-000 | deductions made beforehand |
English | eng-000 | deduction solid solution |
English | eng-000 | deduction test |
English | eng-000 | deduction theorem |
English | eng-000 | deduction tree |
English | eng-000 | deductios and exemptions |
català | cat-000 | deductiu |
español | spa-000 | deductiva |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | deductivament |
català | cat-000 | deductivament |
español | spa-000 | deductivamente |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deductive |
English | eng-000 | deductive |
English | eng-000 | deductive ability |
English | eng-000 | deductive abstraction |
English | eng-000 | deductive approach |
English | eng-000 | deductive argument |
English | eng-000 | deductive argumentation |
English | eng-000 | deductive chain |
English | eng-000 | deductive classification |
English | eng-000 | deductive closure |
English | eng-000 | deductive completeness |
English | eng-000 | deductive conclusion |
English | eng-000 | deductive consequence |
English | eng-000 | deductive construction |
English | eng-000 | deductive coverage clause |
English | eng-000 | deductive criterion |
English | eng-000 | deductive database |
English | eng-000 | deductive definition |
English | eng-000 | deductive demonstration |
English | eng-000 | deductive derivation |
English | eng-000 | deductive equivalence |
English | eng-000 | deductive evaluation |
GOLD 2010 | art-303 | DeductiveEvidentiality |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | DeductiveEvidentiality |
English | eng-000 | deductive franchise |
English | eng-000 | deductive guess |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deductive(icl>adj,ant>inductive) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | deductive(icl>adj,com>deduction) |
English | eng-000 | deductive inconsistency |
English | eng-000 | deductive induction |
English | eng-000 | deductive inferability |
English | eng-000 | Deductive Inference |
English | eng-000 | deductive inference |
CycL | art-285 | DeductiveInferenceProcess |
English | eng-000 | deductive justification |
English | eng-000 | deductive lesson |
English | eng-000 | deductive logic |
English | eng-000 | deductively |
English | eng-000 | deductively closed |
English | eng-000 | deductively closed theory |
English | eng-000 | deductively complete |