English | eng-000 | Employee Number |
English | eng-000 | EmployeeNumber |
English | eng-000 | employee of state |
English | eng-000 | employee of the court |
français | fra-000 | Employee of the Month |
English | eng-000 | Employee of the Month EP |
English | eng-000 | employee organization |
English | eng-000 | employee orientation |
English | eng-000 | employee oriented leader |
English | eng-000 | employee output |
English | eng-000 | employee-owned business |
English | eng-000 | employee-owned enterprise |
English | eng-000 | employee ownership |
English | eng-000 | employee participation |
English | eng-000 | employee pay |
English | eng-000 | employee pension |
English | eng-000 | employee pension fund |
English | eng-000 | employee performance evaluation |
English | eng-000 | employee potential |
English | eng-000 | employee productivity |
English | eng-000 | employee rating |
English | eng-000 | employee referral |
English | eng-000 | employee relations |
English | eng-000 | employee relations administrator |
English | eng-000 | employee relations specialist |
English | eng-000 | employee relocation service |
English | eng-000 | employee report |
English | eng-000 | employee representation |
English | eng-000 | employee representative |
English | eng-000 | employee retention |
English | eng-000 | Employee Retirement Income Security Act |
English | eng-000 | Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 |
English | eng-000 | Employees |
English | eng-000 | employees |
English | eng-000 | employee’s |
français | fra-000 | employées |
English | eng-000 | employees’ associations |
English | eng-000 | employee’s attendance record |
English | eng-000 | employee savings plan |
English | eng-000 | employees bonus |
English | eng-000 | employees bonuss |
English | eng-000 | employee’s card |
English | eng-000 | employee’s contribution |
français | fra-000 | employées domestiques |
English | eng-000 | employee selection |
English | eng-000 | employee selection test |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Employee Self Service |
English | eng-000 | Employee Self Service |
English | eng-000 | employee-service officer |
English | eng-000 | employee services manager |
English | eng-000 | employee share |
English | eng-000 | employee share option |
English | eng-000 | Employee Share Option Schemes |
English | eng-000 | employee share ownership |
English | eng-000 | employee share ownership plan |
English | eng-000 | employee share ownership trust |
English | eng-000 | employee share purchase plan |
English | eng-000 | employee share purchase programme |
English | eng-000 | employees insurance |
English | eng-000 | employees’ insurance |
English | eng-000 | employee’s invention |
English | eng-000 | employee skills |
English | eng-000 | employee’s motivation |
English | eng-000 | Employee’s name |
English | eng-000 | employees of a department |
English | eng-000 | employees of the embassy |
English | eng-000 | employee’s pension fund |
English | eng-000 | Employees Provident Fund |
English | eng-000 | employee’s share |
English | eng-000 | employees’ stock plan |
English | eng-000 | employee’s timetable |
American English | eng-004 | employee’s timetable |
CycL | art-285 | EmployeeStockOption |
English | eng-000 | employee stock option |
English | eng-000 | employee stock ownership |
English | eng-000 | Employee Stock Ownership Plan |
English | eng-000 | employee stock ownership plan |
English | eng-000 | employee stock ownership trust |
English | eng-000 | employee stock purchase plan |
English | eng-000 | employee stock purchase program |
English | eng-000 | employees’ trust |
English | eng-000 | employees’ union |
English | eng-000 | employee’s work day |
English | eng-000 | EmployeeTaskID |
English | eng-000 | employee theft |
English | eng-000 | employee timecard |
English | eng-000 | employee training |
français | fra-000 | employée transférée |
English | eng-000 | employee trust fund |
English | eng-000 | employee turnover |
English | eng-000 | employee turnover rate |
English | eng-000 | employee turnover ratio |
English | eng-000 | employee welfare manager |
français | fra-000 | employé gouvernemental |
français | fra-000 | employé indélicat |
français | fra-000 | employé muté |
français | fra-000 | employé qualifié |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer |
English | eng-000 | employer |
français | fra-000 | employer |
English | eng-000 | employer and employee |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(ant>employee,icl>human) |
français | fra-000 | employer à qc |
English | eng-000 | employer-assisted housing |
English | eng-000 | employer association |
English | eng-000 | employer contribution |
français | fra-000 | employer des euphémismes |
English | eng-000 | employer discrimination |
dansk | dan-000 | employere |
nynorsk | nno-000 | employere |
bokmål | nob-000 | employere |
English | eng-000 | employer-employee match |
English | eng-000 | employer-employee matching |
English | eng-000 | employer-employee relations |
English | eng-000 | employer/employee relations |
English | eng-000 | employer-employee relationship |
English | eng-000 | employer/employee relationship |
français | fra-000 | employèrent |
davvisámegiella | sme-000 | employeret |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(icl>capitalist) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(icl>human) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(icl>leader>thing,ant>employee) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(icl>operator) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employer(icl>status) |
English | eng-000 | employer identification number |
svenska | swe-000 | employer identification number |
dansk | dan-000 | Employer Identification Number (EIN -US) |
julevsámegiella | smj-000 | employerit |
français | fra-000 | employer la manière forte |
français | fra-000 | employer les grands moyens |
français | fra-000 | employer le tu |
English | eng-000 | employer matching contribution |
English | eng-000 | employer of labor |
English | eng-000 | employer of labour |
English | eng-000 | employer of priests |
English | eng-000 | employer organisation |
français | fra-000 | employer parcimonieusement |
English | eng-000 | employer payroll tax |
English | eng-000 | employer-provided |
français | fra-000 | employer qc |
français | fra-000 | employer qqn |
English | eng-000 | employer relations representative |
English | eng-000 | employer resistance |
English | eng-000 | employers |
English | eng-000 | employer’s |
English | eng-000 | Employers’ Activities Programme in Africa |
English | eng-000 | employers’ association |
English | eng-000 | Employers’ Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
English | eng-000 | employers’ confederation |
English | eng-000 | employer’s contribution |
English | eng-000 | employers’ dining room |
English | eng-000 | Employers’ Group |
English | eng-000 | employer’s hiring preferences |
English | eng-000 | employer’s house |
English | eng-000 | employer’s insurance |
English | eng-000 | Employers’ Liability |
English | eng-000 | employers liability |
English | eng-000 | employer’s liability |
English | eng-000 | Employer’s Liability Act |
English | eng-000 | employers’ liability insurance |
English | eng-000 | employers organisation |
English | eng-000 | employers’ organisation |
English | eng-000 | employers organization |
English | eng-000 | employers’ organization |
English | eng-000 | employers’ organizations |
English | eng-000 | employer’s payroll or manpower tax |
English | eng-000 | Employers’ Relations Bureau |
English | eng-000 | employer’s social insurance contributions |
English | eng-000 | employers’ union |
français | fra-000 | employer toutes les herbes de la Saint-Jean |
français | fra-000 | employer un langage énergique |
français | fra-000 | employés |
français | fra-000 | employés de maison |
français | fra-000 | employés des chemins de fer |
français | fra-000 | employés et ouvriers |
français | fra-000 | employés gouvernementaux |
Ido | ido-000 | employeso |
English | eng-000 | employess |
français | fra-000 | employé temporaire |
français | fra-000 | employé transféré |
français | fra-000 | employeur |
français | fra-000 | employeuse |
français | fra-000 | employé zélé |
English | eng-000 | employ for |
English | eng-000 | employ for wages |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>do,equ>hire,agt>volitional_thing,obj>person,man>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>do,equ>use,agt>volitional_thing,obj>thing,pur>uw) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>employ) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>event) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>event,obj>human) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>recruitment-employ-dismiss) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employ(icl>use) |
English | eng-000 | employ in |
English | eng-000 | employ in addition |
English | eng-000 | em-ploying |
English | eng-000 | employing |
English | eng-000 | employing force |
English | eng-000 | employing magical powers |
English | eng-000 | employing on wages |
English | eng-000 | employing stratagems |
English | eng-000 | employmen |
English | eng-000 | Employment |
français | fra-000 | Employment |
lietuvių | lit-000 | Employment |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Employment |
português | por-000 | Employment |
русский | rus-000 | Employment |
español | spa-000 | Employment |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employment |
English | eng-000 | employment |
français | fra-000 | employment |
español | spa-000 | employment |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act 1980 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act 1982 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act 1988 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act 1998 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Act of 1946 |
English | eng-000 | employment ad |
English | eng-000 | employment adjustment |
English | eng-000 | employment advertisement |
English | eng-000 | employment agencies |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employment agency |
English | eng-000 | employment agency |
English | eng-000 | Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate |
English | eng-000 | employment agent |
English | eng-000 | employment agreement |
English | eng-000 | employment aid |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Development Department |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Development Programme |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Labour Market Committee |
English | eng-000 | employment and social affairs |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Social Affairs Council |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Training Administration |
English | eng-000 | Employment and Training Agency |
English | eng-000 | Employment Appeal Tribunal |
English | eng-000 | employment application |
English | eng-000 | employment assistance |
English | eng-000 | employment at will |
English | eng-000 | employment authorization card |
English | eng-000 | Employment Authorization Document |
English | eng-000 | employment basis |
English | eng-000 | employment benefits |
English | eng-000 | employment book |
English | eng-000 | employment bureau |
English | eng-000 | employment card |
English | eng-000 | employment certificate |
English | eng-000 | employment chance |
English | eng-000 | employment cheque |
English | eng-000 | employment clause |
English | eng-000 | Employment Code of Practice Order 1992 |
English | eng-000 | employment coefficient |
English | eng-000 | Employment Committee |
English | eng-000 | employment committee |
English | eng-000 | Employment Committee (EU) |
English | eng-000 | employment conditions |
English | eng-000 | employment consultant |
English | eng-000 | employment contract |
English | eng-000 | employment contract of indeterminate duration |
English | eng-000 | employment cost |
English | eng-000 | Employment Cost Index |
English | eng-000 | employment cost index |
English | eng-000 | employment counselling |
English | eng-000 | employment creation |
English | eng-000 | employment-creation measure |
English | eng-000 | employment cycle |
English | eng-000 | employment demand function |
English | eng-000 | employment diagram |
English | eng-000 | Employment Diffusion Index |
English | eng-000 | employment discrimination |
English | eng-000 | employment disease |
English | eng-000 | employment dismissal |
English | eng-000 | employment dispute |
English | eng-000 | employment effect |
English | eng-000 | employment effects |
English | eng-000 | employment ending |
English | eng-000 | employment equity |
English | eng-000 | Employment Equity Act 1985 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Equity Act 1986 |
English | eng-000 | Employment Equity Act 1995 |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | employment(equ>job) |
English | eng-000 | employment examination |
English | eng-000 | employment exchange |
English | eng-000 | employment fixing |
English | eng-000 | employment freeze |
English | eng-000 | employment function |
English | eng-000 | employment-generating |
English | eng-000 | Employment-Generating Public Works Programme |
English | eng-000 | employment-generating technology |
English | eng-000 | employment generation |
English | eng-000 | Employment Generation Programme for Cambodia |
English | eng-000 | Employment Guidelines |
English | eng-000 | Employment, Health and Education |
English | eng-000 | employment history |
English | eng-000 | employment-hours trade-off |