français | fra-000 | Isthme de Perekop |
français | fra-000 | Isthme de Stradun |
français | fra-000 | Isthme de Suez |
français | fra-000 | isthme de Tahiti |
français | fra-000 | Isthme de Tehuantepec |
français | fra-000 | isthme de Tehuantepec |
français | fra-000 | Isthme d’Ofqui |
français | fra-000 | isthmes |
English | eng-000 | isthmian |
italiano | ita-000 | isthmian |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian Canal Zone |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian Football League |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian Football League First Division |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian Football League Premier Division |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian Football League Second Division |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian Games |
English | eng-000 | isthmian goby |
suomi | fin-000 | Isthmian kisat |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmian League |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Isthmian League |
bokmål | nob-000 | Isthmian League |
polski | pol-000 | Isthmian League |
español | spa-000 | Isthmian League |
svenska | swe-000 | Isthmian League |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League Division One North |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian League Division One North |
svenska | swe-000 | Isthmian League Division One North |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League Division One South |
français | fra-000 | Isthmian League Division One South |
svenska | swe-000 | Isthmian League Division One South |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League First Division |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League Premier Division |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Isthmian League Premier Division |
bokmål | nob-000 | Isthmian League Premier Division |
svenska | swe-000 | Isthmian League Premier Division |
English | eng-000 | Isthmian League Second Division |
English | eng-000 | isthmian rivulus |
English | eng-000 | isthmiate |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmic |
English | eng-000 | isthmic |
français | fra-000 | isthmique |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Isthmische Spelen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmische Spiele |
svenska | swe-000 | Isthmiska spelen |
dansk | dan-000 | Isthmiske lege |
English | eng-000 | isthmitis |
interlingua | ina-000 | isthmo |
English | eng-000 | isthmodynia |
English | eng-000 | Isthmohyla |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Isthmohyla |
suomi | fin-000 | Isthmoksen kisat |
English | eng-000 | Isthmomys |
português | por-000 | Isthmomys |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Isthmomys flavidus |
português | por-000 | Isthmomys flavidus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Isthmomys pirrensis |
português | por-000 | Isthmomys pirrensis |
English | eng-000 | isthmoparalysis |
English | eng-000 | isthmopathy |
English | eng-000 | isthmoplegia |
English | eng-000 | isthmopolypus |
English | eng-000 | isthmopyra |
latine | lat-000 | isthmos |
English | eng-000 | isthmospasm |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmus |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | isthmus |
English | eng-000 | isthmus |
latine | lat-000 | isthmus |
Nederlands | nld-000 | isthmus |
English | eng-000 | isthmus armature |
Ethnologue Language Names | art-330 | Isthmus Aztec-Mecayapan |
English | eng-000 | isthmus cartilaginis auris |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | isthmus effect |
English | eng-000 | isthmuses |
English | eng-000 | isthmus faucium |
latine | lat-000 | isthmus faucium |
English | eng-000 | isthmus gyri cinguli |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | isthmus(icl>land>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | isthmus(icl>tissue>thing) |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Isthmus-Mecayapan Nahuatl |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Isthmus-Mecayapan Nahuatl |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus-Mecayapan Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus-Mecayapan Nahuatl |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Isthmus Mixe |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Isthmus Mixe |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus Mixe |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus Mixe |
Isthmus Mixe | mir-000 | Isthmus Mixe |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of auditory tube |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of cartilage of auricle |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Chignecto |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of cingular gyrus |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of cingulate gyrus |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Corinth |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Darien |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Dubrovnik |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of fallopian tube |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of fauces |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of gland |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Kra |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Ofqui |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Panama |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of panama |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Perekop |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of prostate |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Suez |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus of Tehuantepec |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of the fauces |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of uterine tube |
English | eng-000 | isthmus of uterus |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl |
English | eng-000 | isthmus prostatae |
English | eng-000 | isthmus rhombencephali |
English | eng-000 | isthmus tubae auditivae |
English | eng-000 | isthmus uteri |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmus von Korinth |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmus von Kra |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmus von Panama |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Isthmus von Tehuantepec |
ISO 639-3 Reference Names | art-289 | Isthmus Zapotec |
ISO 639-3 Print Names | art-290 | Isthmus Zapotec |
Glottolog Languoid Names | art-326 | Isthmus Zapotec |
English | eng-000 | Isthmus Zapotec |
English | eng-000 | is those |
Türkçe | tur-000 | isthsal |
Wapishana | wap-000 | ištʰuru |
suomi | fin-000 | -isti |
Kiswahili | swh-000 | -isti |
Náhuatl de Chicontepec | nch-000 | iSti |
Yawanawa | ywn-000 | iSti |
Cashibo | cbr-000 | is-ti |
Dutton Speedwords | dws-000 | ist-i |
azərbaycanca | azj-000 | isti |
Náhuat Zacapoaxtla | azz-000 | isti |
bosanski | bos-000 | isti |
Cashibo | cbr-000 | isti |
Kashibo Alto Aguaytia | cbr-001 | isti |
Kashibo Bajo Aguaytia | cbr-002 | isti |
Kashibo Sungaroyacu | cbr-004 | isti |
Dutton Speedwords | dws-000 | isti |
Srpskohrvatski | hbs-001 | isti |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isti |
latine | lat-000 | isti |
Mískitu | miq-000 | isti |
mvskokē | mus-000 | isti |
slovenščina | slv-000 | isti |
srpski | srp-001 | isti |
Central Tunebo | tuf-000 | isti |
Ichishkíin Sɨ́nwit | yak-000 | isti |
beri a | zag-000 | isti |
Shanenawa | swo-000 | isti* |
Ichishkíin Sɨ́nwit | yak-000 | istí |
Isáŋyáthi | dak-000 | iští |
Lakȟótiyapi | lkt-000 | iští |
napulitano | nap-000 | ìsti |
shípibo | shp-003 | ísti |
latviešu | lvs-000 | īsti |
Old Avestan | ave-001 | īšti- |
Sambahsa-mundialect | art-288 | istia |
Nahuatl Las Balsas | nhg-006 | istia |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiab |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istî’âb |
Maranao | mrw-000 | istiʼad |
bahasa Indonesia | ind-000 | istiadat |
Bahasa Malaysia | zsm-000 | istiadat |
English | eng-000 | Istiaia |
italiano | ita-000 | Istiaia |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Istiaia |
bokmål | nob-000 | Istiaia |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | iştiâl |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istiâne |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiap |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiap etmek |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiap haddi |
Kiswahili | swh-000 | istiara |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istiare |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiare |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istiare |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istiareli |
Kiswahili | swh-000 | istiari |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istib’âd |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | iştibâh |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | ıstıbâr |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istibat |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istibdad |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istibdad |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istibdâd |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istibdadi |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istibdadkär |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istibdâdkâr |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istibdadkäranä |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istibdat |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istibdat |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdat |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdat hökümet |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdat hökümranliq |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istibdat hükümeti |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istibdat idaresini yıqmaq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdatlashmaq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdatliq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdatliq hoquq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdatliq qilmaq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibdat siyaset |
oʻzbek | uzn-000 | istibdod |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istibidat |
latine | lat-000 | istiblennius |
العربية | arb-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
普通话 | cmn-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
English | eng-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
français | fra-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
日本語 | jpn-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius bellus |
português | por-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
español | spa-000 | Istiblennius bellus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius dussumieri |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius edentulus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius flaviumbrinus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius lineatus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius meleagris |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius paulus |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius unicolor |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Istiblennius zebra |
latine | lat-000 | istic |
slovenčina | slk-000 | istič |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | isticâbet |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | isti’câl |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isticanje |
srpski | srp-001 | isticanje |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isticanje sintakse |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isti carinski režim |
bosanski | bos-000 | isticati |
Srpskohrvatski | hbs-001 | isticati |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isticati |
srpski | srp-001 | isticati |
bosanski | bos-000 | isticati se |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | isticati se |
srpski | srp-001 | isticati se |
Sardu logudoresu | src-000 | isticchìre |
Sardu logudoresu | src-000 | isticchìu |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | ističe |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | ističemo |
latine | lat-000 | istic est |
English | eng-000 | Isticeu River |
English | eng-000 | i stick insect |
English | eng-000 | I stick to it |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | ističući |
Türkçe | tur-000 | isticvap etmek |
bokmål | nob-000 | Istid |
dansk | dan-000 | istid |
nynorsk | nno-000 | istid |
bokmål | nob-000 | istid |
svenska | swe-000 | istid |
bokmål | nob-000 | Istid 2 |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istida |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istid’â |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidad |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istîdâd |
português | por-000 | istidade |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istida dilekçe |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidadı olan |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidadı olmak |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istida etmek |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istid’ânâme |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istidat |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidat |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istidat |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidat göstermek |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istidat köstermek |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istidatlı |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidatlı |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istidatliq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | istidatsiz |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | istidatsız |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidatsız |
Sardu logudoresu | src-000 | istidda |
Sardu logudoresu | src-000 | istiddiare |
Deutsch | deu-000 | ist identisch mit |
tatar tele | tat-000 | istidğanamä |
Ibatan | ivb-000 | istidi |
italiano | ita-000 | istidina |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidlal |
lisân-ı Osmânî | ota-001 | istidlâl |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidlâl |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidlal etmek |
Türkçe | tur-000 | istidlâl etmek |