
שודדי הקאריביים
toskërishteals-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
toskërishteals-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
العربيةarb-000قراصنة الكاريبي: صندوق الرجل الميت
العربيةarb-000قراصنة الكاريبي: لعنة اللؤلؤة السوداء
bosanskibos-000Pirati s Kariba: Mrtvačeva škrinja
bosanskibos-000Pirati s Kariba: Prokletstvo Crnog bisera
българскиbul-000Карибски пирати: Проклятието на черната перла
българскиbul-000Карибски пирати: Сандъкът на мъртвеца
češtinaces-000Piráti z Karibiku: Prokletí Černé perly
danskdan-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Den Sorte Forbandelse
danskdan-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Død Mands Kiste
Deutschdeu-000Fluch der Karibik
Deutschdeu-000Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2
eestiekk-000Kariibi mere piraadid: Surnud mehe aardekirst
Englisheng-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Englisheng-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Esperantoepo-000Pirates of the Caribbean
suomifin-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Kuolleen miehen kirstu
suomifin-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Mustan helmen kirous
françaisfra-000Catégorie:Amplification pour guitare
françaisfra-000Pirates des Caraïbes
françaisfra-000Pirates des Caraïbes 1 : La malédiction du Black Pearl
Schwizerdütschgsw-000Fluch der Karibik
Schwizerdütschgsw-000Fluch der Karibik 2
hrvatskihrv-000Pirati s Kariba: Mrtvačeva škrinja
hrvatskihrv-000Pirati s Kariba: Prokletstvo Crnog bisera
magyarhun-000A Karib-tenger kalózai: A Fekete Gyöngy átka
magyarhun-000A Karib-tenger kalózai: Holtak kincse
italianoita-000Pirati dei Caraibi: La maledizione del forziere fantasma
italianoita-000Pirati dei Caraibi: La maledizione della prima luna
latinelat-000Piratae Maris Caribii
Nederlandsnld-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Nederlandsnld-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
bokmålnob-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
bokmålnob-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
polskipol-000Piraci z Karaibów: Klątwa Czarnej Perły
polskipol-000Piraci z Karaibów: Skrzynia umarlaka
portuguêspor-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
portuguêspor-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
românăron-000Pirații din Caraibe: Cufărul omului mort
русскийrus-000Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие чёрной жемчужины
русскийrus-000Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца
slovenčinaslk-000Piráti Karibiku
slovenčinaslk-000Piráti Karibiku: Truhlica mŕtveho muža
españolspa-000Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
españolspa-000Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the Black Pearl
српскиsrp-000Пирати са Кариба: Тајна шкриње
svenskaswe-000Pirates of the Caribbean - Död mans kista
svenskaswe-000Pirates of the Caribbean - Svarta Pärlans förbannelse
Türkçetur-000Karayip Korsanları: Ölü Adamın Sandığı

