English | eng-000 | Scotch terrier |
English | eng-000 | Scotch-terrier |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotchterrier |
English | eng-000 | scotch terrier |
français | fra-000 | scotch-terrier |
English | eng-000 | Scotch thistle |
English | eng-000 | scotch thistle |
English | eng-000 | Scotchtown |
Volapük | vol-000 | Scotchtown |
English | eng-000 | Scotch tweed |
English | eng-000 | scotch up |
English | eng-000 | Scotch verdict |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Scotch whiskey |
English | eng-000 | Scotch whiskey |
English | eng-000 | scotch whiskey |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotch Whisky |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Scotch whisky |
English | eng-000 | Scotch whisky |
français | fra-000 | Scotch whisky |
English | eng-000 | Scotch-whisky |
English | eng-000 | scotch whisky |
français | fra-000 | scotch whisky |
italiano | ita-000 | scotch whisky |
čeština | ces-000 | Scotchwoman |
English | eng-000 | Scotchwoman |
English | eng-000 | scotchwoman |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | scotchwoman(icl>scot>thing,equ>scotswoman) |
English | eng-000 | Scotch woodcock |
suomi | fin-000 | Scotch woodcock |
English | eng-000 | Scotchy |
English | eng-000 | Scotch yoke |
English | eng-000 | scotch yoke |
English | eng-000 | scotcil |
lingua corsa | cos-000 | scote |
Interlingue | ile-000 | scote |
română | ron-000 | scotea bule de gaz |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scot Eaton |
English | eng-000 | Scot Eaton |
Esperanto | epo-000 | Sĉoten |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennamento |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennando i nemici |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennare |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennatoio |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennatóio |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennatore |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennatóre |
italiano | ita-000 | scotennatura |
italiano | ita-000 | scotenni i nemici haematoma |
italiano | ita-000 | scotenni i nemici infezione |
English | eng-000 | Scoter |
English | eng-000 | scoter |
español | spa-000 | scoter |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | scôtèr |
yn Ghaelg | glv-000 | scoteragh |
español | spa-000 | scoter aterciopelado |
italiano | ita-000 | scoter del velluto |
italiano | ita-000 | scotere |
Lingua Franca Nova | lfn-000 | scotes |
interlingua | ina-000 | scotese |
English | eng-000 | Scot free |
English | eng-000 | scot free |
English | eng-000 | scot-free |
English | eng-000 | scotfree |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | scot-free(icl>manner) |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scot Gemmill |
English | eng-000 | Scot Gemmill |
Cymraeg | cym-000 | scoth |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scoth |
Goídelc | sga-000 | scoth |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scoth- |
Kernowek | cor-000 | scóth |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothach |
Goídelc | sga-000 | scothaim |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothán |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothaosta |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothbhán |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothbhruite |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scoth bhuí |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothbhuí |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothchorcra |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothdhearg |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothdhonn |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothdhubh |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothghlas |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothghorm |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothlán |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothliath |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothmheáchan |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothóg |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothóg Mhuire |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothroghnach |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothstoc |
Gaeilge | gle-000 | scothúil |
xʷsenəčqən | str-000 | SC̸OTI |
română | ron-000 | scoți |
čeština | ces-000 | Scotia |
dansk | dan-000 | Scotia |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotia |
English | eng-000 | Scotia |
français | fra-000 | Scotia |
magyar | hun-000 | Scotia |
Interlingue | ile-000 | Scotia |
interlingua | ina-000 | Scotia |
italiano | ita-000 | Scotia |
ລາວ | lao-000 | Scotia |
latine | lat-000 | Scotia |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotia |
nynorsk | nno-000 | Scotia |
bokmål | nob-000 | Scotia |
polski | pol-000 | Scotia |
português | por-000 | Scotia |
slovenčina | slk-000 | Scotia |
åarjelsaemiengïele | sma-000 | Scotia |
davvisámegiella | sme-000 | Scotia |
julevsámegiella | smj-000 | Scotia |
español | spa-000 | Scotia |
ภาษาไทย | tha-000 | Scotia |
Volapük | vol-000 | Scotia |
română | ron-000 | Scoţia |
română | ron-000 | Scoția |
Romániço | art-013 | scotia |
Bangi | bni-000 | scotia |
English | eng-000 | scotia |
latine | lat-000 | scotia |
English | eng-000 | Scotia Arc |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia atrux |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotiabank Place |
English | eng-000 | Scotiabank Place |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | Scotiabank Place |
polski | pol-000 | Scotiabank Place |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia cinerea |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia clavis |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia crassa |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotiameer |
eesti | ekk-000 | Scotia meri |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | Scotia more |
English | eng-000 | scotia moulding |
română | ron-000 | scoțian |
Romániço | art-013 | scotiana |
română | ron-000 | scoțiană |
română | ron-000 | scoțiană joasă |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotiaplaat |
English | eng-000 | Scotia Plate |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotia Plaza |
English | eng-000 | Scotia Plaza |
français | fra-000 | Scotia Plaza |
português | por-000 | Scotia Plaza |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | Scotia Plaza |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia puta |
English | eng-000 | Scotia Sea |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia trux |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotia vestigialis |
interlingua | ina-000 | scotic |
italiano | ita-000 | scoticare |
italiano | ita-000 | scoticatore |
English | eng-000 | scotice |
English | eng-000 | scoticism |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | scot(icl>european>person) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Scot(icl>the Scots) |
français | fra-000 | scotie |
română | ron-000 | scoțieni |
italiano | ita-000 | scotimento |
italiano | ita-000 | scotiménto |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotina celans |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotina gracilipes |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotina palliardi |
English | eng-000 | Scotinomys |
português | por-000 | Scotinomys |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotinomys teguina |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotinomys xerampelinus |
português | por-000 | Scotinomys xerampelinus |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotinophara |
English | eng-000 | Scotinophara |
français | fra-000 | Scotinophara |
magyar | hun-000 | Scotinophara |
italiano | ita-000 | Scotinophara |
polski | pol-000 | Scotinophara |
português | por-000 | Scotinophara |
slovenčina | slk-000 | Scotinophara |
español | spa-000 | Scotinophara |
ภาษาไทย | tha-000 | Scotinophara |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotinotylus antennatus |
lingua siciliana | scn-000 | scotiri |
English | eng-000 | Scotish |
ייִדיש | ydd-000 | Scotish |
English | eng-000 | Scotish law |
English | eng-000 | Scotism |
français | fra-000 | scotisme |
interlingua | ina-000 | Scotismo |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotismus |
English | eng-000 | Scotist |
français | fra-000 | scotiste |
italiano | ita-000 | scotitoio |
italiano | ita-000 | scotitóio |
Qırımtatar tili | crh-000 | şçötka |
Englisce sprǣc | ang-000 | Scotland |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | Scotland |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Scotland |
Makrani | bcc-001 | Scotland |
català | cat-000 | Scotland |
čeština | ces-000 | Scotland |
dansk | dan-000 | Scotland |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotland |
English | eng-000 | Scotland |
Wikang Filipino | fil-000 | Scotland |
français | fra-000 | Scotland |
Ido | ido-000 | Scotland |
bahasa Indonesia | ind-000 | Scotland |
Lingua Franca Nova | lfn-000 | Scotland |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Scotland |
Malti | mlt-000 | Scotland |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland |
português | por-000 | Scotland |
Scots leid | sco-000 | Scotland |
español | spa-000 | Scotland |
svenska | swe-000 | Scotland |
Tagalog | tgl-000 | Scotland |
tiếng Việt | vie-000 | Scotland |
Volapük | vol-000 | Scotland |
Bahasa Malaysia | zsm-000 | Scotland |
Western Balochi | bgn-002 | scotland |
English | eng-000 | scotland |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotland County |
English | eng-000 | Scotland County |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Scotland County |
Plattdüütsch | nds-000 | Scotland County |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland County |
svenska | swe-000 | Scotland County |
bokmål | nob-000 | Scotland County i Missouri |
bokmål | nob-000 | Scotland County i Nord-Carolina |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Football Hall of Fame |
limba armãneascã | rup-000 | Scotlandia |
English | eng-000 | Scotland in the High Middle Ages |
English | eng-000 | Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | scotland(iof>european_country>thing) |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Neck |
lengua lumbarda | lmo-000 | Scotland Neck |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland Neck |
Volapük | vol-000 | Scotland Neck |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Office |
bokmål | nob-000 | Scotland Office |
English | eng-000 | Scotland orache |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Run |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland Run |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotland the Brave |
English | eng-000 | Scotland the Brave |
français | fra-000 | Scotland the Brave |
italiano | ita-000 | Scotland the Brave |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland the Brave |
português | por-000 | Scotland the Brave |
русский | rus-000 | Scotland the Brave |
español | spa-000 | Scotland the Brave |
svenska | swe-000 | Scotland the Brave |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | Scotland Yard |
català | cat-000 | Scotland Yard |
čeština | ces-000 | Scotland Yard |
dansk | dan-000 | Scotland Yard |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotland Yard |
eesti | ekk-000 | Scotland Yard |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Yard |
Esperanto | epo-000 | Scotland Yard |
euskara | eus-000 | Scotland Yard |
suomi | fin-000 | Scotland Yard |
français | fra-000 | Scotland Yard |
galego | glg-000 | Scotland Yard |
hrvatski | hrv-000 | Scotland Yard |
bahasa Indonesia | ind-000 | Scotland Yard |
italiano | ita-000 | Scotland Yard |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Scotland Yard |
nynorsk | nno-000 | Scotland Yard |
polski | pol-000 | Scotland Yard |
português | por-000 | Scotland Yard |
español | spa-000 | Scotland Yard |
svenska | swe-000 | Scotland Yard |
Bahasa Malaysia | zsm-000 | Scotland Yard |
português | por-000 | Scotland yard |
English | eng-000 | Scotland-yard |
English | eng-000 | scotland yard |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scotland Yard Emcees |
English | eng-000 | Scotland Yard Emcees |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | Scotland Yard(icl>main office) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | scotland_yard(icl>police>thing) |
Englisce sprǣc | ang-000 | scotlira |
English | eng-000 | Scot Mendelson |
español | spa-000 | Scot Mendelson |
English | eng-000 | Scot mist |
English | eng-000 | Scotney Castle |
bokmål | nob-000 | Scotney Castle |
italiano | ita-000 | Scoto |
Romániço | art-013 | scoto |
interlingua | ina-000 | scoto |
français | fra-000 | scotobiologie |
English | eng-000 | scotobiology |
română | ron-000 | scotoceală |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Scotocerca |