
Englisheng-000give up all expectation
Englisheng-000give up as a bad job
Englisheng-000give up as hopeless
Englisheng-000give up attendance at school
Englisheng-000give up business
Englisheng-000give up citizenship
Englisheng-000give up cultivation
Englisheng-000give up data transmission
Englisheng-000give up doing
Englisheng-000give up drinking
Englisheng-000give up entirely
Englisheng-000give up for lost
Universal Networking Languageart-253give up for lost(icl>do)
Englisheng-000give up halfway
Englisheng-000give up heart
Englisheng-000give up hope
Englisheng-000give up hope of life
Englisheng-000give up housekeeping
Universal Networking Languageart-253give_up(icl>do,equ>stop,agt>volitional_thing,obj>uw)
Englisheng-000give up ill-gotten gains
Englisheng-000give-up interval
Englisheng-000giveup interval
Englisheng-000give up on
Englisheng-000give upon
Englisheng-000give up one’s heart
Englisheng-000give up one’s life
Englisheng-000give up one’s life to something
Englisheng-000give up one’s nationality
Englisheng-000give up one’s plan
Englisheng-000give up one’s seat to somebody
Englisheng-000give up one’s study
Englisheng-000give up one’ studies
Englisheng-000give up one’s uprightness
Englisheng-000give upon something
Englisheng-000give up opium-smoking
Englisheng-000give up plan
Englisheng-000give up plans due to high winds
Englisheng-000give up principles
Englisheng-000give up seat
Englisheng-000give up smoking
Englisheng-000give up smoking candy
Englisheng-000give-up smoking candy
Englisheng-000give up something
Englisheng-000give up the crown
Englisheng-000give up the frock
Englisheng-000give up the game
Englisheng-000give up the ghost
Englisheng-000give-up the ghost
Universal Networking Languageart-253give up the ghost(icl>die)
Universal Networking Languageart-253give up the ghost(icl>stop working)
Englisheng-000give up the idea
Englisheng-000give up the idea of
Englisheng-000give up the idea of going
Englisheng-000give up the office
Englisheng-000give up the race
Englisheng-000give up the struggle
Englisheng-000give up to
Englisheng-000give up trying
Englisheng-000give up unwillingly
Englisheng-000give us
Englisheng-000Give Us a Wink
suomifin-000Give Us a Wink
svenskaswe-000Give Us a Wink
Englisheng-000give us your fin
Englisheng-000give utterance
Englisheng-000give utterance to
Englisheng-000give utterance to something
Englisheng-000give variety to
Englisheng-000give vent
Englisheng-000give vent to
Englisheng-000give vent to a cask
Englisheng-000give vent to one’s anger
Englisheng-000give vent to one’s feelings
Englisheng-000give vent to one’s fury
Universal Networking Languageart-253give vent to <something>(icl>express,man>freely)
Englisheng-000give verbal approval
Englisheng-000give verdict
Englisheng-000give vogue to
Englisheng-000give voice
Englisheng-000give voice to
Englisheng-000give voice to smth.
Englisheng-000give voice to something
Universal Networking Languageart-253give voice to <something>(icl>express,obj>feelings)
Englisheng-000give wages
Englisheng-000give warning
Englisheng-000give water to horses
Englisheng-000Give way
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way
Englisheng-000give way
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way(icl>allow to go first)
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way(icl>break)
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way(icl>yield)
Englisheng-000give way to
Englisheng-000give way to anger
Englisheng-000give way to despair
Englisheng-000Give way together
Englisheng-000give way to grief
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way to(icl>collapse)
Universal Networking Languageart-253give way to(icl>yield)
Englisheng-000give way to one’s emotions
Englisheng-000give way to sb
Englisheng-000give way to somebody
Englisheng-000give way to tears
Englisheng-000give way vessel
Englisheng-000give-way vessel
Englisheng-000give weight to an argument
Englisheng-000give weight to another horse
Englisheng-000give what for
Englisheng-000give whole attention to concentrate on
Englisheng-000give wings
Englisheng-000give wings to
Englisheng-000give with insulting intention
Englisheng-000give without restraint
Englisheng-000give without stinting
Englisheng-000give with respect
Englisheng-000give women equal pay with men
Englisheng-000give word
Englisheng-000give words to a wish
Englisheng-000give work
Englisheng-000give written informed consent
Englisheng-000give yeoman service
Englisheng-000give you a fright
Englisheng-000give your best
Englisheng-000give your life for
Englisheng-000give you rope
Englisheng-000give yourself a hand job
Englisheng-000give yourself over to pleasure
Englisheng-000give your shoes a shine
Englisheng-000give your word
Englisheng-000give your word of honor
Englisheng-000give you trouble
Englisheng-000give zest to
Romani čhibrom-000givezo
Kemantahg-000giv gävär
Englisheng-000Givhan v. Western Line Consolidated School District
Englisheng-000Givi Chokheli
Deg Xinaging-000givid
Yukon Deg Xinaging-001givid
Kuskokwim Deg Xinaging-002givid
Yukon Deg Xinaging-001gividath
Deg Xinaging-000gividath daʼ
Yukon Deg Xinaging-001gividath daʼ
Kuskokwim Deg Xinaging-002gividath daʼ
bokmålnob-000gi videre
Kuskokwim Deg Xinaging-002gividhith
Deg Xinaging-000gividighog
Yukon Deg Xinaging-001gividighog
Kuskokwim Deg Xinaging-002gividighog
Tok Pisintpi-000givim
Tok Pisintpi-000givim baksait
Tok Pisintpi-000givim baksait long em
Tok Pisintpi-000givim baksait long narapela
Tok Pisintpi-000givim bikpela lait
Tok Pisintpi-000givim em long lukautim
Tok Pisintpi-000givim fri long ol samting
Tok Pisintpi-000givim gutpela tok long em
Tok Pisintpi-000givim gutpela tok long ol
Tok Pisintpi-000givim hap kaikai ofa
Tok Pisintpi-000givim i kam antap
Tok Pisintpi-000givim i kam daun
Tok Pisintpi-000givim kaikai
Tok Pisintpi-000givim kis
Tok Pisintpi-000givim lait
Tok Pisintpi-000givim na kisim bek
Tok Pisintpi-000givim nem
Tok Pisintpi-000givim nil long man
Tok Pisintpi-000givim pe long
Tok Pisintpi-000givim pen
Tok Pisintpi-000givim ples kol
Tok Pisintpi-000givim poisin
Tok Pisintpi-000givim presen
Tok Pisintpi-000givim sait na go
Tok Pisintpi-000givim save
Tok Pisintpi-000givim save long ol
Tok Pisintpi-000givim sik
Tok Pisintpi-000givim siksti
Tok Pisintpi-000givim sori long em
Tok Pisintpi-000givim spes
Tok Pisintpi-000givim stori
Tok Pisintpi-000givim stretpela tok long em
Tok Pisintpi-000givim strong
Tok Pisintpi-000givim susu
Tok Pisintpi-000givim tingting
Tok Pisintpi-000givim tok
Tok Pisintpi-000givim toksave
Tok Pisintpi-000givim wan sait
Tok Pisintpi-000givim wanwan
Deg Xinaging-000givin
Yukon Deg Xinaging-001givin
Kuskokwim Deg Xinaging-002givin
Englisheng-000giving a blessing
Englisheng-000giving a bribe
Englisheng-000giving a broad smile
Englisheng-000giving a choice
Englisheng-000giving added luster
Englisheng-000giving a description
Englisheng-000giving a drink
Englisheng-000giving advice
Englisheng-000giving age
Englisheng-000giving aid
Englisheng-000giving a kiss
Englisheng-000giving all one s attention to something
Englisheng-000giving alms
Englisheng-000giving alms to the dead
Englisheng-000giving a loud pep talk
Englisheng-000giving a name
Englisheng-000giving and receiving
Englisheng-000giving and receiving sentence
Englisheng-000giving and taking
Englisheng-000giving a new rearding lesson
Englisheng-000giving an existence
Englisheng-000giving an oath
Englisheng-000giving a non-committal reply
Englisheng-000giving a permanent wave
Englisheng-000giving a present
Englisheng-000giving a profit
Englisheng-000giving a recitation
Englisheng-000giving a reconsideration
Englisheng-000giving a respite
Englisheng-000giving a result
Englisheng-000giving a royal welcome
Englisheng-000giving a title
Englisheng-000giving a toast
Englisheng-000giving attention to
Englisheng-000giving away
Englisheng-000giving a written prescription
Englisheng-000giving back
Englisheng-000giving birth
Englisheng-000giving birth excessively
Englisheng-000giving birth hurriedly
Englisheng-000giving birth somewhere
Englisheng-000giving breakfast
Englisheng-000giving by will
Englisheng-000giving cadence
Englisheng-000giving comfort
Englisheng-000giving comfort of life
Englisheng-000giving completely up
Englisheng-000giving consideration
Englisheng-000giving contentment
Englisheng-000giving counsel Prudent
Englisheng-000giving country
Englisheng-000giving currency
Englisheng-000giving delight
Englisheng-000giving employment
Englisheng-000giving enjoyment
Englisheng-000giving evidence
Englisheng-000giving farewell
Englisheng-000giving fealty
Englisheng-000giving first
Englisheng-000giving food
Englisheng-000giving forth
Englisheng-000giving full details
Englisheng-000giving generously
Englisheng-000giving good tidings
Englisheng-000giving grades
Englisheng-000giving gratis
Englisheng-000giving great bargain
Englisheng-000giving grudgingly
Englisheng-000giving heart
Englisheng-000giving heart failure drugs
Englisheng-000giving help
Englisheng-000giving honor
Englisheng-000giving hope
Englisheng-000giving in
Englisheng-000giving in abundance
Englisheng-000giving in charge
Englisheng-000giving in charity
Englisheng-000giving incompletely
Englisheng-000giving information
Englisheng-000giving in marriage
Englisheng-000giving instruction
Englisheng-000giving intelligence
Englisheng-000giving in to
Englisheng-000giving joy
Englisheng-000giving leave
Englisheng-000giving lectures
Englisheng-000giving liberally
Englisheng-000giving liberty

