Nederlands | nld-000 |
scheefhals |
dansk | dan-000 | eller lidelse i halshvirvel |
dansk | dan-000 | torticollis |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Scjiefhals |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Torticollis |
English | eng-000 | torticollis |
English | eng-000 | twisting of head and neck |
English | eng-000 | wryneck |
français | fra-000 | torticolis |
italiano | ita-000 | torcicollo |
italiano | ita-000 | torticollo |
Nederlands | nld-000 | torticollis |
português | por-000 | torcicolo |
português | por-000 | torticolo |
español | spa-000 | cuello torcido |
español | spa-000 | tortícolis |