Deutsch | deu-000 | Stille Nacht |
Esperanto | epo-000 | Stille Nacht |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stille Nacht |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Nacht |
Afrikaans | afr-000 | Stille Nag |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille NaN |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillend |
Türkçe | tur-000 | Stillendirilmiş Metin |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille ned |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillen lassen |
Limburgs | lim-000 | Stille Oceaan |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stille Oceaan |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille oceaan |
dansk | dan-000 | stille ’om |
English | eng-000 | Stille Omgang |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stille Omgang |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille opp |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille oppmerksomhet |
Afrikaans | afr-000 | Stille Oseaan |
Frysk | fry-000 | Stille Oseaan |
Afrikaans | afr-000 | Stille oseaan |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille overfor |
Plattdüütsch-Neddersassisch | nds-002 | Stille Ozean |
dansk | dan-000 | stille på linie |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille på skrå |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille politieagent |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stille Post |
English | eng-000 | stiller |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stiller |
bokmål | nob-000 | stiller |
Türkçe | tur-000 | stiller |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Reserve |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Reserven |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stiller Freitag |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stiller Gesellschafter |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stiller Has |
English | eng-000 | Stiller Has |
Schwizerdütsch | gsw-000 | Stiller Has |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stiller Has |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stiller Modus |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stiller Monolog |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stiller Ort |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stiller Ozean |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stiller Samstag |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stiller Teilhaber |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Rücklagen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Beobachten |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille seg |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille seg opp |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille seg på rekke |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille seg solidarisk |
dansk | dan-000 | stille selskab |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Gebet |
dansk | dan-000 | stillesiddende |
dansk | dan-000 | stille sig i kø |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille sikkerhet for |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillesittande |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillesittande |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillesittende |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillesittende |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stilleskrue |
bokmål | nob-000 | stilleskrue |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stilleskruve |
bokmål | nob-000 | stilleskruve |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Lesen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Lesen eines Sutra |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille som en mus |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille som garanti |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Örtchen |
bokmål | nob-000 | stilles overfor |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stille spørsmål ved |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille spørsmål ved |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Sitzen |
English | eng-000 | stillest |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stilleståande |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillestående |
dansk | dan-000 | stillestående vand |
svenska | swe-000 | stillestånd |
svenska | swe-000 | Stilleståndet i Altmark |
svenska | swe-000 | Stilleståndsdagen |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille sted i ei lita elv |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille sted i elva |
English | eng-000 | still estrus |
Frysk | fry-000 | Stille Súdsee |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille sulten |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille sulten hos |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Vergnügen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Wasser |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Wohnen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilles Zuhören |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Teilhaber |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Teilhaberin |
dansk | dan-000 | stillet i bero |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille til disposisjon |
dansk | dan-000 | stille tilfreds |
dansk | dan-000 | stille til rådighed |
dansk | dan-000 | stille til skue |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille til skue |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilletje |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilletjes |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilletjesaan |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Tränen |
toskërishte | als-000 | stil letrar |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stille und Tiefsinnigkeit |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille uren |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stille ut |
bokmål | nob-000 | stille ut |
bokmål | nob-000 | Stillevannet |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilleven |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille vennoot |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille vennote |
dansk | dan-000 | stille vin |
English | eng-000 | Stille Volk |
français | fra-000 | Stille Volk |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Wasser gründen tief |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stille Wasser sind tief |
Fräiske Sproake | stq-000 | stille Wiek |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stille wijn |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stille Woche |
English | eng-000 | still existing |
English | eng-000 | Stilley |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stille Zaterdag |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Stille Zuidzee |
Plattdüütsch | nds-000 | Still f |
English | eng-000 | Still Fantasy |
français | fra-000 | Still Fantasy |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillfarande |
føroyskt | fao-000 | stillfarandi |
English | eng-000 | still far away |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillfarende |
English | eng-000 | Still Feel Gone |
svenska | swe-000 | Still Feel Gone |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillferdig |
English | eng-000 | still-fish |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillfoto |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillfoto |
English | eng-000 | still frame |
English | eng-000 | still-frame camera |
English | eng-000 | still-frame images |
English | eng-000 | still-frame mode |
English | eng-000 | still-frame playback |
Plattdüütsch | nds-000 | Stillfreedag |
English | eng-000 | still fresh in one’s memory |
English | eng-000 | still further |
English | eng-000 | Still Game |
Scots leid | sco-000 | Still Game |
English | eng-000 | still gas |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillgeburt |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillgehalten |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillgelegt |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillgelegtes Kohlenbergwerk |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillgestanden |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillgestanden |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillgestanden! |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillgestanden-Position |
Deutsch | deu-000 | “Stillgestanden”-Position |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillgewässer |
русский | rus-000 | Still Got The Blues |
English | eng-000 | Still Got the Blues |
English | eng-000 | still grease |
Sambahsa-mundialect | art-288 | stillgwit |
English | eng-000 | still-H |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillhalteabkommen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stillhalten |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillhalterposition |
English | eng-000 | still have |
English | eng-000 | still head |
English | eng-000 | still head water |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stillheit |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillheit |
English | eng-000 | still here |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillhet |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillhet |
svenska | swe-000 | stillhet |
bokmål | nob-000 | Stillheten etter skuddet |
English | eng-000 | still hologram |
English | eng-000 | still house |
English | eng-000 | still hungry |
English | eng-000 | still hunt |
English | eng-000 | still-hunt |
English | eng-000 | stillhunt |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Stilli |
English | eng-000 | Stilli |
Schwizerdütsch | gsw-000 | Stilli |
Südbadisch | gsw-003 | Stilli |
italiano | ita-000 | Stilli |
português | por-000 | Stilli |
svenska | swe-000 | Stilli |
suomi | fin-000 | stilli |
diutisk | goh-000 | stilli |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilli |
Norn | nrn-000 | stilli |
diutisk | goh-000 | stillī |
română | ron-000 | stil liber de întrerupere a liniei |
italiano | ita-000 | stilliberista |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilliblaka |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillibúnaður |
English | eng-000 | stillicide |
français | fra-000 | stillicide |
italiano | ita-000 | stillicidio |
italiano | ita-000 | stillicìdio |
dansk | dan-000 | Stillicidium |
English | eng-000 | Stillicidium |
English | eng-000 | stillicidium |
latine | lat-000 | stillicidium |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>abstract_thing,equ>tranquility) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>adj,ant>moving) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>adj,ant>sparkling) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>adj,equ>motionless) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>adj,equ>soundless) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>adj,equ>tranquil) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>apparatus>functional_thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>calm) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>calm>do,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>change>do,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>do) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>event) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>how,com>comparison) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>how,com>duration) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>how,equ>however) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>manner) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>more) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>nevertheless) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>photograph) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>picture>functional_thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>placid) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>plant>thing,equ>distillery) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>silence>do,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>stop>do,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | still(icl>without_moving>how) |
dansk | dan-000 | stillids |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilliefni |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilliegen |
Deutsch | deu-000 | stilliegend |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillifótur |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilliggen |
Nederlands | nld-000 | stilliggend |
français | fra-000 | stilligoutte |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillihólf |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillilega |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillilegur |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillilogn |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilliloki |
English | eng-000 | Still image |
CycL | art-285 | StillImage |
DCMI Metadata Terms | art-301 | StillImage |
English | eng-000 | still image |
English | eng-000 | still image adjustment switch |
English | eng-000 | still image device |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillimörk |
dansk | dan-000 | stilling |
English | eng-000 | stilling |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stilling |
bokmål | nob-000 | stilling |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingabúnaður |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingahluti |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling á lágþrýstingi í soggrein |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingapunktur í hægagangi |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingar efnis undir stjórn |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingarhnappur |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingarkerfi |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingarljós |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingarmaður |
íslenska | isl-000 | stillingarsvið |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling á stafnhalla |
English | eng-000 | stilling baffle |
English | eng-000 | stilling basin |
English | eng-000 | stilling box |
English | eng-000 | stilling chamber |
English | eng-000 | stilling device |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling f |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling hleðslu |
English | eng-000 | Stillingia |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia |
português | por-000 | Stillingia |
español | spa-000 | Stillingia |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia aquatica |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia linearifolia |
English | eng-000 | stillingia oil |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia paucidentata |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia spinulosa |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia sylvatica |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia texana |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Stillingia treculiana |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | stillinʼgiye oti |
íslenska | isl-000 | stilling mælisviðs |
English | eng-000 | stilling pond |
English | eng-000 | stilling pool |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillingsannonse |
dansk | dan-000 | stillingsansøgning |
dansk | dan-000 | stillingsbeskrivelse |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillingsbetenkning |
English | eng-000 | Stilling’s column |
English | eng-000 | Stilling’s disc lichen |
nynorsk | nno-000 | stillingsenergi |
bokmål | nob-000 | stillingsenergi |