Deutsch | deu-000 | Textpattern |
English | eng-000 | Textpattern |
suomi | fin-000 | Textpattern |
français | fra-000 | Textpattern |
italiano | ita-000 | Textpattern |
latviešu | lvs-000 | Textpattern |
Nederlands | nld-000 | Textpattern |
polski | pol-000 | Textpattern |
русский | rus-000 | Textpattern |
español | spa-000 | Textpattern |
čeština | ces-000 | text písně |
English | eng-000 | text placeholder |
English | eng-000 | Text Placement |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textplatzhalter |
English | eng-000 | TEXT_POPUP |
Türkçe | tur-000 | TEXT_POPUP |
English | eng-000 | textport |
English | eng-000 | Text position |
English | eng-000 | text processing |
English | eng-000 | text-processing |
English | eng-000 | Text Processing Section |
English | eng-000 | Text Processing Unit |
English | eng-000 | text processor |
English | eng-000 | text-processor |
English | eng-000 | text-profile description |
català | cat-000 | text programat |
čeština | ces-000 | text programu |
English | eng-000 | Text Properties |
English | eng-000 | text property |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textpult |
English | eng-000 | Text Qualifier |
English | eng-000 | text qualifier |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textQuality |
English | eng-000 | text query |
English | eng-000 | textquote |
svenska | swe-000 | textrad |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textrahmen |
English | eng-000 | text-recognition |
English | eng-000 | text reconstruction |
English | eng-000 | text record |
English | eng-000 | text recording |
română | ron-000 | text recunoscut |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textredakteur |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textredakteurin |
svenska | swe-000 | Textredigerare |
svenska | swe-000 | textredigerare |
English | eng-000 | TEXTREF |
català | cat-000 | text religiós |
svenska | swe-000 | textremsa |
English | eng-000 | text retrieval |
français | fra-000 | Text REtrieval Conference |
English | eng-000 | Text Retrieval Conference |
English | eng-000 | text retrieval system |
English | eng-000 | text reviews |
English | eng-000 | text revision |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textrichtung |
Talossan | tzl-000 | textricul |
Talossan | tzl-000 | textrina |
English | eng-000 | TextRing |
latine | lat-000 | textrinum |
latine | lat-000 | textrix |
Latina Nova | lat-003 | Textrix denticulata |
dansk | dan-000 | Textron |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textron |
English | eng-000 | Textron |
bokmål | nob-000 | Textron |
русский | rus-000 | Textron |
English | eng-000 | Textron Inc. |
English | eng-000 | Textron, Inc. |
bokmål | nob-000 | Textron Stingray |
čeština | ces-000 | text. Rozvlákňování |
English | eng-000 | textRSS |
svenska | swe-000 | textruta |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Text -s |
filename extensions | art-335 | texts |
English | eng-000 | texts |
català | cat-000 | text sagrat |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textsammlung |
English | eng-000 | Text Scaling |
English | eng-000 | text scrolling |
English | eng-000 | text section |
English | eng-000 | text security protection |
English | eng-000 | text segment |
English | eng-000 | text segmentation |
English | eng-000 | Text Select |
English | eng-000 | Text Selection |
English | eng-000 | text selection |
English | eng-000 | Text SelectText Select |
English | eng-000 | text service |
English | eng-000 | Text Services |
English | eng-000 | textsetter |
English | eng-000 | text several pages long |
English | eng-000 | TextSimple |
română | ron-000 | text simplu |
English | eng-000 | Text Size |
English | eng-000 | Text slide |
čeština | ces-000 | text smlouvy |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textsorte |
slovenčina | slk-000 | text správy |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | TEXTS-Ribbons-texts-file |
svenska | swe-000 | textställe |
English | eng-000 | Text Stamp |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textstelle |
English | eng-000 | text storage |
English | eng-000 | Text string |
CycL | art-285 | TextString |
English | eng-000 | text string |
English | eng-000 | text string search |
English | eng-000 | Text Strings File |
English | eng-000 | Text structure |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textStructure |
English | eng-000 | text structure knowledge |
English | eng-000 | Text Style |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textteil |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textteilerläuterung |
svenska | swe-000 | texttelefon |
English | eng-000 | text telephone |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | textte olturmaq |
TechTarget file types | art-336 | TEXT-Text-file |
svenska | swe-000 | text till tal |
svenska | swe-000 | text till tal (Text To Speech) |
svenska | swe-000 | text till tal (TTS) |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin chüsh |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin chüshmek |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin chüshürmek |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin chüshürüwetmek |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin chüshüshke mejbur qilmaq |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin waz kechmek |
Uyghurche | uig-001 | texttin wazkechmek |
svenska | swe-000 | texttjänst |
English | eng-000 | TEXT.TO.COLUMNS |
English | eng-000 | Text to Columns |
English | eng-000 | Text to display |
English | eng-000 | text-to-fax-conversion |
English | eng-000 | Text to fill |
English | eng-000 | Text to find |
English | eng-000 | Text Tool |
English | eng-000 | Text too large |
English | eng-000 | Text Toolbar |
English | eng-000 | Text too long |
English | eng-000 | Texttop |
English | eng-000 | text-top |
English | eng-000 | Text to read |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speak |
English | eng-000 | Text To Speech |
English | eng-000 | Text to speech |
English | eng-000 | text to speech |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech |
suomi | fin-000 | text-to-speech |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech algorithm |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech conversion |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech engine |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech synthesis |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech synthesizer |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech system |
English | eng-000 | text-to-speech translator |
English | eng-000 | Text To Table |
English | eng-000 | Text to Table |
English | eng-000 | TextToTable |
English | eng-000 | text-to-voice conversion |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Texttradition |
svenska | swe-000 | texttradition |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Texttrainer |
English | eng-000 | text trainer |
čeština | ces-000 | text transakce |
English | eng-000 | text transcription |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textTranscription |
English | eng-000 | text transfer |
English | eng-000 | text transfers |
română | ron-000 | text transformat în vorbire |
English | eng-000 | TextTransformer |
English | eng-000 | TextTransformer exported token |
English | eng-000 | Text Translation |
English | eng-000 | text translation |
English | eng-000 | text transmission system |
English | eng-000 | text transparency |
svenska | swe-000 | texttrogen |
svenska | swe-000 | text-TV |
English | eng-000 | text type |
English | eng-000 | text-type |
English | eng-000 | text type knowledge |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textTypeKnowledge |
Interlingue | ile-000 | textu |
français | fra-000 | textuaire |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | textual |
català | cat-000 | textual |
English | eng-000 | textual |
galego | glg-000 | textual |
interlingua | ina-000 | textual |
occitan | oci-000 | textual |
português | por-000 | textual |
português brasileiro | por-001 | textual |
português europeu | por-002 | textual |
română | ron-000 | textual |
español | spa-000 | textual |
English | eng-000 | textual act |
English | eng-000 | textual analysis |
English | eng-000 | textual authority |
English | eng-000 | textual bibliography |
English | eng-000 | textual communication |
English | eng-000 | textual criticism |
English | eng-000 | textual criticism tai lower criticism |
English | eng-000 | Textual Cross-Reference |
English | eng-000 | textual data |
English | eng-000 | textual description |
English | eng-000 | textual determinism |
English | eng-000 | textual edit |
English | eng-000 | Textual entry |
English | eng-000 | textual error |
English | eng-000 | textual form |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textualForm |
English | eng-000 | textual function |
English | eng-000 | textual harassment |
Universal Networking Language | art-253 | textual(icl>adj,com>text) |
español | spa-000 | textualidad |
English | eng-000 | textual information |
English | eng-000 | textualis |
latine | lat-000 | textualis |
English | eng-000 | textualisation |
svenska | swe-000 | textualisering |
English | eng-000 | textualism |
română | ron-000 | textualism |
français | fra-000 | textualisme |
English | eng-000 | textualist |
română | ron-000 | textualist |
español | spa-000 | textualista |
français | fra-000 | textualiste |
čeština | ces-000 | textualita |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textualität |
català | cat-000 | textualitat |
English | eng-000 | Textuality |
English | eng-000 | textuality |
English | eng-000 | textualization |
English | eng-000 | textual linguistic |
English | eng-000 | textually |
English | eng-000 | textual matter |
Interlingue | ile-000 | textualmen |
luenga aragonesa | arg-000 | textualment |
català | cat-000 | textualment |
galego | glg-000 | textualmente |
português | por-000 | textualmente |
português brasileiro | por-001 | textualmente |
português europeu | por-002 | textualmente |
español | spa-000 | textualmente |
English | eng-000 | textual note |
English | eng-000 | textual performance |
English | eng-000 | textual relation |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textualRelation |
English | eng-000 | textual representation |
English | eng-000 | textual research |
English | eng-000 | textual scan |
English | eng-000 | textual scholarship |
English | eng-000 | textual source of coherence |
English | eng-000 | textual studies |
English | eng-000 | textual study |
English | eng-000 | textual tradition |
English | eng-000 | textual transmission |
English | eng-000 | textual variation |
occitan | oci-000 | textuau |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Text übertragen |
français | fra-000 | textuel |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | textuèl |
Deutsch | deu-000 | textuell |
français | fra-000 | textuelle |
langue picarde | pcd-000 | textuellemé |
français | fra-000 | textuellement |
Deutsch | deu-000 | textueller Inhalt |
English | eng-000 | Textulariina |
latine | lat-000 | textum |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textumbruch |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textumfang |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textumlauf |
íslenska | isl-000 | textun |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Text und Gesten |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Text- und Korpuslinguistik |
English | eng-000 | text unit |
ISO 12620 | art-317 | textUnit |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textuntersuchung |
Interlingue | ile-000 | textuore |
English | eng-000 | Text (up to 6) |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textur |
español | spa-000 | textur |
svenska | swe-000 | textur |
Talossan | tzl-000 | textür |
Deutsch | deu-000 | Textura |
català | cat-000 | textura |
čeština | ces-000 | textura |
hanácké | ces-002 | textura |
English | eng-000 | textura |
français | fra-000 | textura |
galego | glg-000 | textura |
Interlingue | ile-000 | textura |
interlingua | ina-000 | textura |
latine | lat-000 | textura |
occitan | oci-000 | textura |
português | por-000 | textura |
português brasileiro | por-001 | textura |
português europeu | por-002 | textura |
română | ron-000 | textura |
slovenčina | slk-000 | textura |
español | spa-000 | textura |
română | ron-000 | textură |
magyar | hun-000 | textúra |
slovenčina | slk-000 | textúra |