
češtinaces-000By the People
Englisheng-000By the People
Englisheng-000by the phone
Englisheng-000by the piece
Englisheng-000by the police
Englisheng-000by the pound
Englisheng-000by the present
Englisheng-000By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Englisheng-000by the principle of induction
Englisheng-000by the process of elimination
Englisheng-000by the quarter
Englisheng-000by the right
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the right of(icl>because of)
Englisheng-000by the river
Englisheng-000By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
Englisheng-000by the riverside
Englisheng-000by the roadside
Englisheng-000by the root
Englisheng-000by the roots
Englisheng-000by the rope
Englisheng-000by the rules
Englisheng-000by the rules of art
Englisheng-000by the run
Englisheng-000by the same analogy
Englisheng-000by the same mail
Englisheng-000by the same parents
Englisheng-000by the same token
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the same token(icl>in correspondingly)
Englisheng-000by the score
Englisheng-000by the scruff of one’s neck
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the scruff of <oneʼs> neck(icl>by the neck)
Englisheng-000by the scruff of the neck
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the scruff of the neck(icl>by the neck)
Englisheng-000By the Sea
Englisheng-000by the sea
Englisheng-000by the seaside
Englisheng-000by the seat of one’s pants
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the seat of <oneʼs> pants(icl>phrase)
Englisheng-000by the seat of your pants
Englisheng-000by these presents
Englisheng-000by the shovel load
Englisheng-000by the side
Englisheng-000by the side of
Englisheng-000by the side of somebody
Englisheng-000By the Skin and the Teeth
polskipol-000By the Skin and the Teeth
Türkçetur-000By the Skin and the Teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of her teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of his teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of its teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of my teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of one’s
Englisheng-000by the skin of one’s teeth
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the skin of <oneʼs> teeth(icl>only just)
Englisheng-000by the skin of our teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of their teeth
Englisheng-000by the skin of your teeth
Englisheng-000by the slump
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the sound of it(icl>phrase)
Englisheng-000by the square
Englisheng-000by the stern
Englisheng-000by the-stern
Englisheng-000by the sweat of one’s brow
Englisheng-000by the target
Englisheng-000by the terms
Englisheng-000by the text
Englisheng-000by the thigh
Englisheng-000by the thousand
Englisheng-000by the thousands
Englisheng-000by the time
Englisheng-000by the time he arrived
Englisheng-000By the Time I Get to Phoenix
portuguêspor-000By the Time I Get to Phoenix
Englisheng-000by the time that
Cymraegcym-000byth eto
Englisheng-000by the ton
Englisheng-000By the Tree
portuguêspor-000By the Tree
Englisheng-000by the use
Englisheng-000by the use of
Englisheng-000by the waist
Englisheng-000by the water
danskdan-000By The Way
galegoglg-000By The Way
lietuviųlit-000By The Way
Nederlandsnld-000By The Way
portuguêspor-000By The Way
češtinaces-000By the Way
Deutschdeu-000By the Way
Englisheng-000By the Way
euskaraeus-000By the Way
suomifin-000By the Way
françaisfra-000By the Way
עבריתheb-000By the Way
italianoita-000By the Way
polskipol-000By the Way
русскийrus-000By the Way
españolspa-000By the Way
svenskaswe-000By the Way
Universal Networking Languageart-253by the way
Englisheng-000by the way
Englisheng-000by the way of something
Englisheng-000by the wayside
Englisheng-000by the week
Englisheng-000by the weight
Englisheng-000by the weight of authority
Englisheng-000by the wind
Englisheng-000by the window
Englisheng-000by-the-wind sailor
Englisheng-000by the yard
Englisheng-000by the year
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella
latinelat-000Bythinella austriaca
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella austriaca
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella austriaca agg.
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella austriaca austriaca
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella badensis
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella bavarica
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella compressa
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella dunkeri
Latina Novalat-003Bythinella metarubra
Latina Novalat-003Bythinus macropalpus
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum acicula
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum acicula clessini
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum acicula moenanum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum acicula puerkhaueri
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum allingense
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum alzense
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum clessini
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum clessini clessini
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum clessini moenanum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum clessini posterum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum clessini septentrionale
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum exiguum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum gonostoma
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum haessleini
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum heldii
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum helveticum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum husmanni
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum labiatum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum lamperti
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum pellucidum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum photophilum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum puerkhaueri
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum puerkhaueri gibbula
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum puerkhaueri puerkhaueri
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum putei
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum putei putei
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum putei roesleri
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum quenstedti
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum quenstedti ara
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum quenstedti quenstedti
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum quenstedti turbinella
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum quenstedti weinlandi
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum rhenanum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum rhenanum rhenanum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum sandbergeri
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum saxigenum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum saxigenum danubiale
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum saxigenum saxigenum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum senefelderi
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum spec.
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum sterkianum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum sterkianum lauterborni
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum sterkianum sterkianum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum suevicum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum taxisi
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum turritum
Latina Novalat-003Bythiospeum waegelei
Englisheng-000by this
Englisheng-000By this amount
Englisheng-000by this hat
Englisheng-000by this I
Englisheng-000by this mean
Englisheng-000by this means
Englisheng-000by this time
Englisheng-000by this token
العربيةarb-000Bythites islandicus
普通话cmn-000Bythites islandicus
Englisheng-000Bythites islandicus
françaisfra-000Bythites islandicus
日本語jpn-000Bythites islandicus
portuguêspor-000Bythites islandicus
españolspa-000Bythites islandicus
Latina Novalat-003Bythitidae
Middle Cornishcnx-000bythkweth
Old Cornishoco-000bythkweth
češtinaces-000být hladký jako úhoř
češtinaces-000být hlavička
češtinaces-000být hledán
češtinaces-000být hlodán
češtinaces-000být hluchý
Middle Cornishcnx-000byth moy
Kernowekcor-000byth moy
Old Cornishoco-000byth moy
češtinaces-000být hned na nohou
češtinaces-000být hněten
Englisheng-000Byth oceratina
češtinaces-000být hoden
češtinaces-000být hodnocen
češtinaces-000být hodný něčeho
češtinaces-000být holý
Cymraegcym-000byth ond hynny
češtinaces-000být horký
češtinaces-000být horlivý
češtinaces-000být hostem
češtinaces-000být hotov
češtinaces-000být hotov k čemu
češtinaces-000být hotový
Englisheng-000by thousands
Englisheng-000by thousands of billions
češtinaces-000být houževnatý
Middle Cornishcnx-000byth pan
Kernowekcor-000byth pan
Old Cornishoco-000byth pan
češtinaces-000být hrdý
Englisheng-000by three times
Englisheng-000by/through hearsay
češtinaces-000být hrubý
češtinaces-000být hubený
Englisheng-000bythyl alcohol
češtinaces-000byť i
Fräiske Sproakestq-000bytiden
češtinaces-000býti dlužen
češtinaces-000bytí králem
češtinaces-000bytí na pikniku
češtinaces-000být incidentní
slovenčinaslk-000bytinela pieninská
slovenčinaslk-000bytinela pramenná
češtinaces-000být infikován
češtinaces-000být informován
češtinaces-000být inteligentní
češtinaces-000býti odvlečen do otroctví
Englisheng-000by tiring effort
Latina Novalat-003Bytiscus betulae
Latina Novalat-003Bytiscus populi
Englisheng-000by title
češtinaces-000bytí zde
češtinaces-000být jak na trní
češtinaces-000být jako lazar
češtinaces-000být jako na trní
češtinaces-000být jako stvořený pro něco
češtinaces-000být jako v dubnu
češtinaces-000být jaký
češtinaces-000být jakž takž přijatelný
češtinaces-000být jasno
češtinaces-000být jasný
češtinaces-000být jedno ucho
češtinaces-000být jednou z příčin
češtinaces-000být jen špičkou ledovce
češtinaces-000být k
češtinaces-000být kárán
češtinaces-000být k dispozici
češtinaces-000být ke cti
češtinaces-000být klikař

